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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 81 – Alester and Mors – Breaking Point, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 81 – Alester and Mors – Breaking Point, Part 3

Objective: “You have gotten past Valarr's defenses. It is time to confront him.”
Head on South through the Courtyard and into the main hall itself. There are no more surprises waiting for you out here. Everything else that is going to happen is going to happen inside the throne room and inside Riverspring Castle.

Valarr takes things very calmly. After that, you can let Mors speak, protecting Jeyne, or allow Alester to speak, asserting his claim. Either way, Valarr tries to lie his way out of the trouble. He threatens the whole town with his army of Bloodseekers. No one likes that and just works to dig him a little deeper. He accuses both Mors and Alester of being traitors. After that, either way you will come to a trial by combat.

Ravella gives the traditional prayer. Valarr will taunt at Mors through Jeyne. If you give in to the provocation, you will receive a combat penality. Choose, “I need to concentrate on the fight” to avoid getting drawn off.

He is in Light Armor and has a 2-handed sword. For someone in Light Armor he has an astounding amount of health. Still, focus on stunning him and keeping him from swinging his sword. This will keep Mors alive a lot longer and make it easier to reach the first cutscene.

When Valarr has lost one quarter of his health, the fight breaks into a quick dialogue. Mors can either give into the taunting or get Valarr to talk and catch his breath. Opting to catch your breath will restore your energy to full.

The fight will continue after the dialogue. Save some energy for an interrupt in this round. Still, try to get a damage over time effect going to quickly cut through his health.

At half health, the fight pauses into a dialogue again. This time Valarr strikes below the belt for Mors: his family. There is no way to stay calm here so choose the option you want the most. Just attack without reserve.

At the end of the fight, everything goes horribly wrong. Valarr uses Shadow Magic to cheat and stab Mors. Alester is forced to reveal the location of Jeyne then thrown into the family crypt. Valarr kills Elyana. It is quite an ending for this chapter.