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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 93 – Alester and Mors – Rites and Litanies, Part 1

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 93 – Alester and Mors – Rites and Litanies, Part 1

Once you have heard mention from Maester Harwyn that Quarion Halfhand has need of Mors' help, you are free to embark on this side quest. When you arrive at Castle Black you will come upon a group of Brothers talking about how Patrek has been arrested for murder. Head up to the Southern Door leading into the Common Hall. Talk with Duncan Paege and he will tell you that some murders have been commited around Castle Black. Choosing Mors will move things forward quickly while choosing Alester will explain the situation. From there, you will learn more about what is going on and some of why Patrek is suspected of the murders.

Objective: “Patrek's name must be cleared. Go to the scene of the murder to start your investigation.”
First, head for the stables that were mentioned. Go to the ones to the Southwest of the Common Hall. Clifford will stop you but Mors tells him that he has permission, as does Alester, and he will let the old friends through. Head to the far right able and investigate the body. Once there, talk with Addam Flowers. Poke and pry the information out of him to learn just what sort of case has been built against Patrek.

Objective: “Pick up the scent of Myles's body to follow his trail.”
After that, it is time for Mors to use his Warg abilities and track the scent of Myles as best he can. Step into the Hound and interact with it to get the scent.

Objective: “Follow Myles's trail to find out what he was doing before he died.”
Follow the scent to the North, heading back through the stables. Once you make it out to the yard, turn immediately to the Left and go up the stairs. Follow it to the Northeastern Hut and interact with the door there to call Mors and Alester over to it. This leads them to Lothor. He reveals that Myles left the Outbuilding with Patrek. Alester and Mors decide to talk with Patrek about this little bit of information.

Objective: “Patrek was seen with Myles just before he died. Go ask him about it.”
Head back to the South Door of the Common Hall and talk with Duncan to talk with Patrek. Take the path where Patrek explains himself else the quest comes to an end very quickly. From there, he explains that Myles was talking about leaving Castle Black, forsaking his vows. It is also apparent that he feared for his life because of another Brother, Wat.

Objective: “Patrek mentioned a quarrel between Wat and Myles, the victim, at Castle Black. Wat will probably have more information for you.”
Head over to the East, under the bridge, then take the stairs up to it. On the bridge you will find 3 Brothers talking amongst themselves: one of them is Wat. The brothers hush up when Mors approaches, which is odd already. Talk with Wat to learn more. Press him for information and focus on that alone. He reveals that they were all part of the same patrol 4 years ago. During that patrol they found a band of Wildlings and one of their number was killed in the fashion of the victims.

Objective: “The murders seem to be linked to an old mission that Wat and Myles were part of. Check the patrol records in Mormont's office to find out more.”
Head inside the Common Hall using the nearby entrance. Go up the long staircase to make it over tot the Lord Commander's area. Nearby the top of the stairs, next to Walder, you will find the records that you are searching for. Apparently Addam Flowers was in charge of the mission and he was abducted during it. He managed to escape but the other who was captured was not as lucky.