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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 94 – Alester and Mors – Rites and Litanies, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 94 – Alester and Mors – Rites and Litanies, Part 2

Objective: “Addam was the leader of the mission and is the one of those abducted by the Wildings to have survived. Search his belongings on the ground floor of the Common Hall to try and find out more.”
Mors will point out that Wat and Addam are the only survivors of this patrol. Head downstairs and over to the Southwestern corner of the Common Hall. There you will find a number of chest that you can search. Search the chest more toward the center to find a Blackmail Letter in Addam's chest. It threatens to expose something unless a person is paid 5 gold by the next full moon.

Objective: “Addam seems to be deeply involved in this sorry business. Find him as soon as possible.”
Head for the stables in the Southwestern part of Castle Black. When you arrive there, it made apparent that Addam has left with Wat for Mole's Town. Things are shaping in favor for Addam.

Objective: “Addam Flowers left Castle Black with the last survivors of the patrol. You must find him as soon as possible.”
When you try to leave Castle Black, a number of Brothers intercept you. They insist on stopping Mors and want to go at Patrek for these crimes. If you take Mors' path, you will fight the 4 of them. If you take Alester's path, the fight will be avoided.

If you fight, it is 3 on 4. 2 are in Light Armor, 1 is in Medium Armor and 1 is in Heavy Armor. 3 of the 4 will come at you in melee with only one will hang back and shoot arrows into the fray. Stun and immobilize as many as you can. Tear through the melee and send the Hound against the one Archer to stop the damage he contributes.

Objective: “Go and find Addam Flowers in the Forest of Mole's Town before he reaches the point of no return.”
Head across the bridge and follow the path to the South and West. As you approach the ruined building you find Addam beat and kill Wat. He is clearly not sane anymore. Head over to the West. Head over to the foot of the broken bridge. He talks of the White Walkers and they demand more heart sacrifices. He laughs when Mors says it is time for him to die, claiming the White Walkers will keep him alive.

Objective: “Kill the deranged Flowers.”
Flowers is an Elite Boss in Medium Armor. He fights with a 2-weapon style and can inflict a lot of damage given the chance. Still, use the Hound's interrupting abilities and other to inflict more damage. With Alester, Mors and the Hound tearing into him, Addam will not last long.

Objective: “Go and report back to Duncan Paege to clear Patrek's name.”
Once he is dead, loot his body for the unique weapon, Shadow Fiend. Now it is time to head back to Castle Black and report to Duncan Paege and clear Patrek's name.