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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 93: Does Eat People, Doesn’t Be Purple

However it goes as you proceed through the Central Pit, you will eventually be reaching the lift that Sharla pointed out earlier- and which she operates for the group.  Otharon remains nowhere to be seen, at least for now.

As the lift reaches the bottom of the mine at long last, you find the group looking out onto a large circular area that is mostly covered, from under which a familiar bluish-green glow emanates.  However, on the platform are no Homs at all- just a distressingly large number of strangely black stains on the metal floor.  As the three walk down from the lift’s landing to the platform, Sharla looks out over it, and in a shaky voice tries to deny what she sees, but all the people who may have been here are now gone.  While the medic stares in distressed realization at what are most likely a number of blood stains, she’s interrupted by the voice of Mysterious Face.  At first speaking from nowhere in particular, he descends towards the party from above in flight mode, and unfolds as he declares he’s ‘getting hungry’.

Redundantly, both Shulk and Reyn confirm that it is indeed Mysterious Face that has approached the party from above.  Sharla, being more focused, shouts at the Mechon, telling him to tell her where Juju and the other colonists are.

The response is a strangely unhinged-sounding laugh, as Mysterious Face points up, telling Sharla that if she wants ‘the brat’, he’s right there.  There’s a bit of a strange moment at first, as Juju descends from above apparently crucified on a pink translucent triangle, but as the camera watches him descend it becomes apparent that this is actually some kind of holding field surrounding him, maintained by one of the M32 Transport Mechon.  Sharla calls out to her brother, but he appears to be unconscious, hanging with his head down and not responding to anything.  Mysterious Face comments that Juju is still alive, but that condition’s not likely to last all that much longer.

Finally addressing the rest of Sharla’s question, Mysterious Face explains that he just couldn’t quite control his urges regarding the rest of the colonists.... and that he ate all of them.  For whatever reason this seems to disrupt his mental state anymore, the immense hammer-wielder progressing from ‘slightly unhinged’ to ‘totally deranged’ in expression as he welcomes the party to ‘our banquet hall’, identifying them as the main course for the evening.  He goes on to point out that Juju will make an excellent dessert.

While Sharla looks like she’s having a serious struggle not to be physically ill over what the giant Mechon is saying, he introduces himself for the first time, claiming the name Xord.  This gets Shulk’s attention somehow, and he diverts himself far enough to make curious noises over the fact that a Mechon has a name.  Xord admits that it’s actually hearsay- he doesn’t actually remember having a name himself.