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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 98: Maybe It’ll Stick This Time

As you finally beat Xord... for the third time... he falls on his face at the edge of the elevator.  Still unwilling to succumb to destruction, he crawls towards the group, slowly getting his rusted legs under him.  He raises his hammer up high with a cry of ‘Still hungry!’, aiming at Shulk- but Sharla steps in the way.  Coolly, she raises her rifle, takes aim- and blows his arm off at the shoulder just as he starts to swing.  The joint separating exposes a gout of blue ether fire, leaving him to topple over.  Xord’s remaining limbs decide that this looks fun and also fly off, the venting blue ether causing him to roll around until he lies helpless on his back.

Carefully, the group advances to check if the twitching Mechon is finally dead... when Xord speaks.  He admits he’s impressed- Shulk beat him without even using the ‘true power’ of the Monado.  Shulk insists that Xord let on to what exactly he’s talking about, but the formerly-voracious machine says that he can’t say, and Shulk will have to figure the truth out on his own.  Shulk asks what he means, and Xord says that when he became as he is now, he realized the truth.  Not leaving space for further inquiry, he also says ‘it was good while it lasted’.   Unsatisfied, Shulk insists on finding out what the Mechon means.

Xord’s only response is that his time is up.  The jet on his back fires one last time, causing him to topple out of the lift and down the shaft.  The Mechon bounces a few times- and then explodes massively in ether fire, the shockwave not only getting the elevator started up the shaft again but pushing it faster.

The view cuts to outside as the group runs out of the mine entrance, the ether-fueled explosion belching forth from the tunnel and sending everyone to the ground.  Reyn is the first back up, and he puts Juju down gently in the grass, saying that the dead of Colony 6 can finally be at rest now that Xord is gone.  While Sharla is agreeing with him, Juju finally wakes up.

Expressing her relief that he seems alright, Sharla kneels over her brother, who asks where they are.  She explains that the group is just outside Colony 6, and that Xord has been destroyed thanks to Shulk and Reyn.  She admits to her brother that the other colonists didn’t make it, though.

Slowly getting to his feet, Juju apologizes for causing the group so much trouble.  Reyn says to forget about it, claiming the score is settled.  Juju thanks him for this, but Shulk points out that they still haven’t seen Metal Face this whole while.

This clearly proves that Shulk simply hasn’t learned- as this is the prompt for Metal Face arriving from above.