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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 105 – Mors – Final Chapter: Ice and Fire

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 105 – Mors – Final Chapter: Ice and Fire

With the truth revealed about the Fate of Mors' family, there is nothing that can salvage the former friendship that stood between Alester and Mors. The two must fight each other and it is a battle to the death. There will be no reprieve otherwise. The two fight and it is time for the old hatred to spill over

Objective: “Triumph over Alester in a duel”
Whatever Alester had on prior does not matter. He will come at you in Light Armor. He will use more the Assassin skill tree than whatever you set him up with. There are cases that can be a lot better. He will try to poison you a fair it. It is best to keep him from getting any potions or abilities off. Just keep at him and be sure that you have a good weapon to take advantage of his armor. Once Mors manages to Alester to half health, their duel will be interrupted.

Objective: “Strike down the group of Gold Cloaks that interrupted your duel.”
Harrold Celtigar will come in and demand that both Mors and Alester lay down their arms and surrender. The two ignore him and comment how the Double-Edged Sword will fight a final battle. It is a good one too. Harrold is an Elite Boss in Heavy Armor with Mace and Shield. He has a knight in Medium Armor who is a boss with a 2-handed sword and a second knight with a 2-handed sword. Supporting them you will find 4 Archers in Light Armor. Here, pull out the best area damage you have. Alester should use the best of his R'hllor abilities as Mors should use his best area attacks. The group will be very tightly packed, making it easy to tear through them all.

The two will exchange a few more words, talking about who is to blame here for the death of the Westfords. The two talk of the past and swords are drawn once again.

Objective: “There is nothing left that can prevent this fight. Your friend must die ...”
Once Alester has lost a quarter of his health, he will call to R'hllor and ignite his blade. Here is where the fight starts to get dangerous. It is very important to keep him from igniting Mors. He can inflict a lot of damage with that. Use the Hound to immobilize him or some of Mors' abilities to induce some stun to wear down the flames. Keep swinging at Alester with everything you have, saving an interrupt for when he tries to light his sword or come at you again.

When Alester hits half health, he will call to R'hllor again. The Lord of Light heals Alester some and grants him more control over fire. He will do his best to send Mors to R'hllor's side. Follow much the same course as you had in the first part of the battle and it will not too hard to claim victory over Alester.

Varys will appear after the battle with the boy. He will ask Mors what he plans to do with child. Mors can either run with the child to Braavos or he can return to his post at the Wall.

Congratulations on beating Game of Thrones with Mors Westford!