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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: The Refugees Part 1

After sliding down underneath of the hotel, you and your squad will find yourselves trapped in a dark, dank camp that used to be used by the survivors of the sandstorms for refuge. Where the survivors are now, though, is a mystery. Head forward past the rooms with the candles in them and curve to the left. As you walk down the hall, turn to the right and examine the dip in the wall to find a piece of Intel. Approach the overlook ahead to see a light down below. Climb down the stairs with your squad and approach the large crack in the floor to investigate. You will find a camp below. Drop down into the camp and you will land amongst dozens and dozens of lit candles, but still no survivors.

Proceed through the candles. You won't be allowed to shoot at this point, so just keep moving and loop around to the left to enter the next hall. A grim scene will await you here. Multiple soldiers will have been executed in this room. Stop to examine them with the squad and then move on, through the door to the upper right side of the room. You will stumble upon an interrogation. It's the American you saw leading the insurgents earlier, and a strange soldier. The American will be beating the soldier, but the soldier will escape and aim his weapon at you. After a terse conversation, you will begin acting a little more peaceful with each other. Most people will let the conversation play out, but note that you can actually shoot the soldier and kill him after he drops his weapon. If you do shoot the soldier, your squad will react as if you are some kind of monster, but in fact you will be saving them all a bit of trouble farther down the line. If you let the soldier leave, he will rappel down a rope to the left and warn the soldiers below of your presence, which will lead to an extra firefight that you will have to go through. It's not a huge deal, but in the end it actually benefits you and your squad to just shoot the guy now.

Whatever choice you make, you'll be left alone for now. Climb over the barrier and grab some flashbangs from the crate ahead before rappelling down after the soldier. You will stumble upon a CIA safehouse complete with maps and plans. Search the table next to the map to find a piece of Intel, and then approach the next room. It is in this room where you will encounter a few soldiers only if you let the soldier earlier escape. Kill them if you see them, loot them for ammo, and approach the large white double doors. Adams will shoot through the doors to open a path ahead. This path will, unfortunately, lead you into direct conflict with US soldiers. Take cover below the large window as they begin to fire upon you.

Shoot over the large window to kill all of the enemies in direct view. Wait a few seconds to see if any other enemies come into view, and if they do, kill them. If not, vault over the wall and sprint to cover immediately, as plenty more enemies will await you on the left side of this large room. Utilize your squad orders along with direct attacks to thin the enemy herds and advance slowly towards the left side of the room. If you see any enemies grouping together, toss out a flashbang to stun them all before executing them with headshots or throw out a frag grenade to blow them into chunks. As you near the far side of the room, a shotgunner will emerge from the top left and approach you. Kill him and another will come out a few seconds later. Take both of them out before they can get near you, and then leave through the door that the two shotgunners entered through. You will find some extra grenades in a case here. Leave the room, past the large white sign on the wall, and head to the door.

You will stumble upon another set of double doors. You and your squad will discuss Konrad, who Walker still believes to be loyal even though the rest of the 33rd has gone insane. After this conversation, Adams will shoot through the door and lead you into the next area.