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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 4 – Harboring a Criminal

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 4 – Harboring a Criminal

Stop the Joker
After the sweeping view of Gotham City, you can see Batman and Robin on top of a cathedral. From here, Jump off and the pair will glide down. Head over to the left from there. You will see the Bat Signal shining down on a platform. Get on the platform and destroy the 2 crates that are on it. This will give Batman a Suit changer so he can don the Sensor Suit. Now head more over to the right. There you will find a Green X-Ray Box. Approach it and look in the top right, middle left and bottom right. There you will find circuits that need to be completed. Throw the 4 inside to have it disgorge its contents of blocks. Assemble them to to get a suit changer for Robin. Switch to Robin, grab the Acrobat suit and head down to the left. There you will find a Ball Socket. Have Robin get into the Acrobat Ball and roll it there.

It will raise a crate and drop it nearby the platform, breaking into blocks. Assemble the blocks to get a console either can interact with. Do so to allow Robin to summon his Helicopter. Head over to the helicopter and hop into it. This will start the next chapter. The bad guys shine a light into Robin's cockpit and cause him to come crashing down.

Harboring a Criminal
With this, it is time to start destroying more things to build the structure needed. Alfred passes on the message that anything glowing can be targeted by the Batarang. Head over to the right first. There are a few minion pounding on the remains of Robin's Helicopter. Take them out then head over to the jumping pieces by its cockpit.

Time for some exploration before moving on. Be sure to also head to the bottom right part of the area. There you will find 2 of Two-Face's men holding a citizen hostage. Defeat them to free the citizen. Now head along road to the left. There are lots of chips to gather a good number of henchmen to defeat as well. Head along the road to the left. Take out all the things you can then return to the harbor area.

Head over to the trailer that is above the Helicopter and aim the Batarang at the 2 Red, Blinking pieces there. It will cause a door to fall, revealing 2 reporters. They will run off. Head into the trailer and destroy the console inside. This will break into pieces that can assemble into a suit changer. This will let Batman equip the Power Suit. This suit allows him to destroy Silver, Sparkling Lego objects. Get a feel for to by taking out the crossbars in the area.

Once you have a good handle on what you are doing, head over to the front of the theater. There, you will see a spotlight on the right-hand side of it. Use the Power Suit to blow it up. This reveals a pile of blocks that create a new suit changer for Robin. Change to Robin and step into to for the Magnet Suit.  With this suit, Robin can scale any of the shiny blue pieces that are around the area. Turn to the nearby sign for the ceremony you were just at. Approach it at a distance and you will see a prompt with a thin blue beam running from Robin to the siding. Hold the button to clear out both pieces of siding to reveal a pathway that Robin can walk up.

Be sure to also head over to the left-hand side of the theater entrance and blow up the second spotlight there. It can be reassembled into a Bicycle Carrier. Hit “Y/Triangle” to hop on it. A path of gold chips appear. Bike along it to reveal a hidden collectible. Also, use the Power Suit on the left-hand sign for the Man of the Year award. It will reveal a collectible.