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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 15 – Chemical Crisis, Part 3

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 15 – Chemical Crisis, Part 3

Head over to the right and down the stairs. Some more of the Joker's Henchmen will attack you but then it is back to the puzzles of this area. On the right-hand side of the large water tank you will find a U-pipe that you can take a swipe at for a lot of chips. In the bottom right you will find a pair of red floor switches in front of a chemical vat. Have Batman get on one and Robin on the other. This will fill the crate with 2 types of chemicals that become chips. Use the grappling hook to spill them all down to collect. Once you have gone at all you can on the floor, head over to the forklift in the center of the room.

Have Robin drive the forklift over to the right-hand side of the area. You will notice some handles in the higher reaches of the  top right that are electrified. Drive close enough to them to have Batman jump up onto them. If he jumps down onto the nearby tank, do not worry. Get out of the forklift and switch to Batman now. Jump up along the bars and move to the left to reach the next ledge of this area. Head to the middle of it to find the second switch to throw.  Drive it over to the left-hand side part and raise up the lift to have your companion just up onto the ledge above. Hop out of the forklift and change over to them. Throw the switch in the middle of the area to still the waters inside the tank that is in the middle of the room then drop down into the open hatch.

Head into the middle part of the tank and float up to the top. Throw the final switch there to drain the water away and clear the way to shut down the chemical vat. Interact with it for the final sample. A cutscene runs with Batman figuring out what chemicals the Joker took. Unfortunately this scientific endeavor is interrupted by explosions.

Head over to the left from the starting point for a Save Station to update your file if you would like. After that, head over to the right and smash up the U-pipe that is in the corner there for more chips. The next part involves a bit of cleaning as only Robin in his Hazard Suit can clear the chemical piles away. Head first along the left-hand wall. There is a pile of glowing brinks that can be assembled into a water pump. This will get water into the pit that is to the right. Get Robin into the water and clear away most of the chemical piles on the left-hand side and the fire in the top left and most of the area for chips as well as safety in the near future. This will let Robin get at the pieces needed to assemble a suit changer: the Acrobat Suit. With Robin in the Acrobat suit, look to the top right. You will notice a pole socket nearby. Aim the pole there then double-jump to reach it. Just jump from there over to the right.

Once there, drop to the floor and get Robin into his Acrobat Ball. Roll it into the Ball socket on the left. Spin it to the left to extend the bridge that will let Batman get across. Once he is there, head to the top of it and have him the dead generator that is to the right of the electrified one. This will reveal another Suit Changer for Batman. Assemble it to access the Power Suit. Head over to the right and down the stairs. There you will find a door that needs to be pulled open by the Power Suit.

On the other side of the door you have 3 henchmen to deal with. Take care of them then head to the North on this side. Use the Power Suit to blast the Shiny Silver pieces on the pole in the top left. Switch to Robin and climb up it. Just to the right of where Robin climbs are some assembly pieces. Put them together to create a grappling point for Batman to use. Switch to Batman once he is up and head over to the right. Use the Power Suit to rip open the gate there and have Robin scale up the walls using his pole. Just jump against the wall to get him to lodge his pole into it. At the top, just to the left of the narrow climb, is a ladder you need to hit a few time that will let Batman get up there.