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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 16 – Chemical Crisis, Part 4

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 16 – Chemical Crisis, Part 4

With Batman at the top of the shaft, head over to the left, taking control of the Caped Crusader. There you will find 2 shiny silver pieces to blow up. One is directly in front of you the other just off to the right. The one on the right is the important one as it creates the path over to the right.

Take the fallen tower to the right. Continue along the path until a tower collapses, obstructed the path. Use Batman's Power Suit to blast the silver pieces out of the way. Just continue over to the right. There are 3 more Henchmen to deal with, just in case. Head down the stairs to the next area with the monitor showing Green Static. Destroy the constructs to the left and right of the monitor to get some assembly pieces. Put them together to gain a Ball Socket. It will only be complete are both assembly pieces have been used. Now, use Robin in his Acrobat Ball to roll the mouse over to the icons on screen. Once the mouse touches the icon, the freeze jet will be shut down. Once they are both shut down, then it is safe to move forward.

Head up the stairs to the left then North and move along the path you just cleared to the right. 3 Henchmen will attack you as you head over there so take care of them quickly. On the far right side is a narrow shaft Robin needs to climb but Batman needs to tear the gate out of the way first. Jump up the shaft and then get into the Acrobat Ball. Roll it into the Ball Socket that is just to the right of the shaft. Time for a ball puzzle. First, roll to the left to move the platform into a place Batman could get onto it. Second, roll down to lower the platform to Batman. Next, roll to the right to move the platform to the opposite side. Change to Batman and have him get off the platform and collect the Electricity Suit there then get back onto the platform. Change back to Robin and have him Roll upward in the Ball Socket to get Batman to the upper level now. Change to Batman and have him get off the platform and go over to the right. There you will find a charged generator. Have Batman draw the energy from it to open the gate. Switch back to Robin as it is time to get him over. Hop into the Ball and roll upwards to the maximum height then to the left to put it in reach of Robin. Double-jump from that to reach on the poles that will allow Robin to vault across the gap and rejoin Batman.

With both characters on the other side it is time to head over to the right. Stay as Robin as there is Pole Socket you need to use next to the right. It is just above the pool of green chemicals. Throw the pole into the socket then double-jump up to right. Leap the rest of the poles to reach the next piece of solid ground. Once there, throw the switches in the top-left to close the shutters over the chemical vats. Switch to Batman and get him over the platform you left Robin on. Use the socket in the top-right to move a crate into a more useful position.

Have the characters jump over to the right onto the top of the steam vent. It will push the lid up allowing them to jump onto the crate that just moved closer. Just jump onto the crate to trigger a cutscene. At its conclusion, Superman will join the duo for a time. First, just a little to the right is a Save Station.

After you Save, change to Superman and Fly up to the ledge just above the level that Batman and Robin are on. In the Top-Left part you will find an orange handle that needs to get yanked on. Pull on it  to unleash a torrent of water. Use Superman's Ice Breath to freeze the water so Batman and Robin can climb up then head to the right.