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. Plays May 27, 2012

Tom Orry, Editor - Trials Evolution, Xbox 360

Dark City Run, I hate you. I've probably spent about three hours trying to finish this one Extreme-rated stage in Trials Evolution and I'm starting to think I'll never do it. Having looked at videos on YouTube (like the one below), I clearly don't have the fine level of throttle control I require, but I'll keep trying. I'm hoping that by watching videos online the knowledge will now be imbedded in my brain like Neo learns Kung Fu in the Matrix - and I didn't need to have a cable wired into my brain. Smiley staff member AndyS has offered to finish the level for me, but that would defeat the point of playing - I want to earn that Bronze medal myself.

Neon Kelly, Deputy and Features Editor - Max Payne 3, PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Max Payne 3 screenshot

I'm fairly sure that there's something wrong with the multiplayer here. I can confidently say this because I was the top-rated player in one of my matches this week, and that never happens when I'm playing an online shooter. Still, I have to say I enjoy the novelty of heading into a team deathmatch and emerging with a positive K/D ratio.

Either way, there's no doubt that the single-player campaign (and its various time and score attacks) are the meat of Max Payne 3. Given that the second Max is one of my all-time favourites, I didn't expect to enjoy this quite so much. As several people have observed, it's something of a one-trick pony- but hell, this is a pony that can jump though the air in slow motion, shoot the faces off three gangsters, and then crumple down the side of a wall with perfect physics. Personally, that's a trick I'm happy to enjoy time and time again.

Oh, and if anyone else is playing the multiplayer and fancies Crew-ing up, I've joined The Explosive Alans. If there are enough people here we could even set up a VideoGamer crew, perhaps?

Martin Gaston, Reviews Editor - Diablo 3, PC

Diablo III screenshot

I played Diablo III non-stop for about a week, and I was allowed to play it during work hours because I have a great job. Am I the highest levelled character in the office? No, I am not. That dubious honour would go to Andy Cole, who managed to hit level 40 before me, despite having a family and also having to work during his contracted work hours. How the sweet merciful heavens did that happen?

That was last week, mind. This week Cole's off in some fanciful land where he's level 56 and just about to blast Inferno, and I hate him for it. I've had a few days off and am languishing around the mid-40s, trying to snap up bargains from the Auction House and generally doing a rather bad job of surviving through Act III of Nightmare difficulty.

My problem is that I need to up my game a bit and I'm having a hard time getting my build just right. Up until now I've just rolled with gear that boosts my Intelligence, got a ridiculously high DPS and steamrolled everything. Now the enemies are getting stronger I'm finding my character a lot weaker, and I'm dying quite a bit more than I'd like. Which is gash.