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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: The Rooftops

You will begin this level in the wreckage of a skyscraper. A helicopter will fly by, not looking for you, but waiting for you; it will be heading to the radio tower to help out the radio man when you eventually arrive. Drop down from the ledge ahead and run out onto the roof below. You will head a sniper in the distance. Drop down to the left, as the sniper won't be taking you in his sights just yet. Drop down again, and you will find two unsuspecting enemies in the room ahead. Equip silencers and creep forward. Don't fire just yet, though. A third enemy will await you at the far end of the room. Mark the first tow enemies for your squad to kill, and take the third one out yourself. Ideally, you should be able to get rid of all of these enemies without raising an alarm. Just in case you can't, there are extra grenades and ammo and the back end of the room.

Run through the doorway into the next, blue-hued room. This room will be full of enemies, and you will have to fight them whether you want to or not. Look behind the chairs to find a few cowering enemies in cover. Take them out, and then watch out behind the table ahead and to the left for a shotgunner, who will be rushing out onto the field. Run through the doorway to the right, as you will be covered from your left side as you do so. Take cover at the far end of this corridor, against the doorway to the left, and shoot out the skylight to send sand falling through to bury thne enemies below. A few enemies will take up positions on the roof after you take out the skylight. Take out these enemies, and then look to the opposite side of the room, where a group of enemies will rappel in. Shoot them as they land to deal with them quickly.

Proceed to the opposite side of the room and grab a sniper rifle and some ammo. Take cover behind the chest--high wall, and look out to the building opposite you to find the enemy snipers. Look for the telltale flash of their muzzles as they fire at you to determine their locations. There will be one towards the top left of the building, another all the way to the left, and another more towards the outcropping on the right. Shoot all of them, peeking out to urge them on if you're having trouble finding them (remember, look for their muzzle flashes when they fire at you if you can't find them at first) and refill the ammo for your sniper rifle by looting from the rifle that is propped up against the column to your right.

When you have eliminated all of the snipers and refilled all of your ammo, proceed ahead to the zipline. Take the zipline to the opposite building, the one where the snipers had holed up before you came into town. As you zipline across, Konrad will radio you for a brief chat. Walker will insist on rescuing the people no matter what the cost, and Konrad will insist that it is impossible. After all, Konrad's initial mission was to rescue the people, so wouldn't he know whether or not it was a possibility? As you near the end of your zipline, an enemy will get in your way on the other side. With a crash, Walker will run into the soldier and knock him to the ground. A prompt to execute will appear on your screen, but the enemy will turn into Adams and start pleading for your life. Hit the button to execute him anyway. If you wait too long, the enemy will get his gun and kill you. After bashing the enemy's face in, you will be joined by Adams and Lugo.

Proceed through the door ahead and up the stairs to reach the bathroom suite. Drop down from the large dindow and run to the left, around the outside of the skyscraper. Proceed up the makeshift ramp formed by the collapsed fire escape. Take cover behind the couches on the edge of the roof and grab any sniper ammo necessary. You will have to kill more enemies with your rifle, but htis time you will have the advantage of surprise. The enemies don't know that you're here yet, so pick your target (the one smack dab in the middle of the dance floor makes for an easy target_ and pull the trigger for a free kill. Of course, after you kill your first guy the rest of the enemies will descend upon you with a fiury. Adams will mark priority targets for you in red, so that you will always know who to kill first. Of special annoyance are the enemies who will take up positions behind the mounted gun on the right-hand baldony. Be sure to always  pick off these guys first.

Once all of the enemies are dead, you will be prompted to zipline across to the building on the other side. As you zipline, Lugo will provide covering fire for you. When you land on the dance floor, which is for some reason now infested with mannequins, run across it to the stairs ahead. Climb up to the next level of the dance floor via the stairs and you will find yourself in a blacklit room. Climb up the stairs, which will be decorated with crazy neon fish, and loop around the bar to reach the lounge. Stop by the white couch to refill your ammo, and enter the bathroom to the left by the bed to find a piece of Intel. Finally, climb up the stairs and your climactic encounter with the radio man will begin.

Spoilers follow

Walker will order Lugo to check out the radio. As he messes with it, the radio man will engage you guys in casual conversation. Lugo and the radio man will talk tech, with the main problem being the sotrm wall outside of the collapsed city. The radio man will give Lugo access to the system, and Lugo will shoot him to death, putting a few extra in him just to be sure. Adams will start to fight with Lugo, while Walker will relay his message through the radios. Help is coming, as soon as Walker and his squad deal with Konrad and the rest of the 33rd.

End spoilers

A helicopter with a few enemy forces will fly on to the roof. Lugo will offer to cover you and Adams as you run towards the helicopter. The plan is to reach the helicopter, hijack it, and fly it out of Dubai. As you run downstairs, watch out for the 33rd's Special Forces soldiers, who will be armed to the teeth with P90s. Kill the first three and loot their guns if you want. Climb down the stairs to the door from which you entered the area. You will find it locked, with a strange beeping coming from the other side. Rush back to the low cover at the top of the stairs and shield yourself as the door explodes outwards. Toss a grenade through the door in the chaos that ensues, as you won't be able to see clearly enough to pick targets discriminately.

Run down the stairs and take cover on either side of the doorway. Enemies will be entrenched in cover to both the left and the right. Use your orders to command Lugo to sniper the enemies from afar while you suppress them from the door. If Adams charges out and engages the enemies himself, as he seems wont to do during this checkpoint for some reason, he will most likely die. In this case, try to eliminate all of the enemies in the area outside before running out to help him. If you can't, at least take out all of the enemies on the ground, leaving only the guys on the balcony above and ahead of you. Rush out and revive Adams before running up the stairs to deal with the remaining threats. As you get to the top of the stairs, a shotgunner will come out from the far side of the walkway to challenge you. Kill him and run to take cover behind the crates. Another shotgunner will soon challenge you. He will run around the corner to your right. Be ready with your gun or a melee attack, and he will be down before he even knows what hit him.

With the shotgunners down, leave cover and take cover behind the crates ahead. Just a few enemies will stand between you and the helo now, all of whom will be hiding behind more crates Kill them when they pop out to shoot you, and leave cover to sprint over to the helicopter when you can. As you near the vehicle, a cutsc ene will play in which you and Adams enter the helicopter. As Adams struggles to start the engines, you will have to protect him and Lugo as he advances towards you.

In this scenario, you can use the massive orange tanks as makeshift bombs to take out multiple enmeies at once. Save them for when large groups of enemies advance around them. Watch Lugo as he runs off of the roof. He will make his advance from the right, but most of the enemies will enter the area from the left. Take them out, using the propane tank to kill as many as possible, and then turn your attentions to the right when Lugo gets into your sights. Use the second tank to kill his pursuers, and Lugo will reach you safely.

As the helicopter ascends, Walker vows to bury the 33rd in Dubai. He will order Adams to circle the building as he brings it down with the chaingun in the helicopter. Wipe out the enemies as they run out of the building after you first, and then cut down the rest of the stuff in the area as the helicopter advances higher and higher. As you circle over the pool, more enemies will run out by the giant speakers. Focus your fire on the speakers to bring them down and send the pool up in flames. Next, you will have to focus on the lower winsdows of the building, as Adams will take you in low. Shoot through the windows and then fire through the tents to kill all of the enemies in this area. Adams will bring you around again, highlighting an enemy in red. Kill him and the rest of the enemies. You will now have to bring down the large glass satellite tower with your gun. A few enemies will reside on each floor of the tower. Take them out, along with any electrical equipment you can find in the tower. Before you know it, the whole thing will come crumbling down to the ground.

With the radio tower destroyed, your only remaining goal is to get out of Dubai. This section will play out almost exactly the same as the rail shooting sequence in the beginning of the game already, but with a few extra challenges added. Weirdly enough, Walker will comment that "this happened already," indicating that he is feeling the same confusion you are. You don't have time to think about what migth be happening, though, so instead just focus on the enemy helicopters as they fly out and attack you. As we said earlier, this section will be mostly the same as the section in the very beginning of the game. Simply focus your fire on the enemies as they fly into your view. You will now have the added challenge of shooting down enemy missiles, too, though. These will be marked by red circles and shouldn't be too incredibly difficult to shoot out of the sky, as long as you keep your gun focused on the red circle.

The rail shooting sequence will unfortunately have the same result as it did before, though, sending you flying into the sandstorm and in turn sending an enemy helicopter flying right into you. As your helicopter crashes, the next mission will begin.