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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: Alone

With the city in flames, you will awaken to a surprisingly peaceful scene. There won't be any enemies in this initial part of the level. Instead, you will have to again wander the flaming ruins of the city, taking in what you have done. The announcement will come over the loudspeakers that the water is now all gone. As Konrad tells his troops that they will soon die, he tries too keep up a reassuring tone, telling them that everything will be fine.

Climb to your feet and proceed down the linear path ahead. As you round the corner, you will hear Riggs moaning out for help. Soon, you will find him trapped beneath the wreckage of an overturned semi. There will be no way that you will be able to free Riggs from the wreck. He will explain his motivations to you, describing how now that the water is all fone, nobody will live to tell the tale of what happened in Dubai. With one final gasp, he will ask you to execute him using the one bullet in the magnum nearby. You can either choose to put the dying man out of his misery, or sa e the bullet for more fair game. Either way, proceed down the sand-flooded highway ahead.

Lugo will radio you and tell you that he and Adams are pinned down by the 33rd. On the way, though, the man on the radio will interrupt. Drop down from the ledge ahead as the radio man taunts you. A helicopter will fly overhead, indicating a larger enemy presence ahead. Creep forward, using the small red tables for cover. Creep up past the bus and run through the shuttered door into the building ahead. Climb the stairs to activate your next waypoint marker. As you walk into the next room, you will stumble upon Lugo and Adams, who have been taken hostage by the enemies, as well as an enemy with his back to you. Take cover behind the sandbags and jump over them, kicking the unsupecting soldier and knocking him over the ledge ahead. Pick up the sniper rifle nearby and shoot the man with Lugo in his arms. With Lugo freed, he and Adams will rush to support you from the opposite side of the balcony as more and more enemies converge on the area.

Get back behind cover and use your sniper rifle to pick off all of the enemies on the other side of the balcony. Of particular note are the snipers on top of the building across from you. When the first wave of enemies are down, look to the left side of the balcony opposite you and take them down with your sniper rifle. One of the enemies will take upo a position behind a chaingun. Stay in cover and pick him off from where you are. As soon as all of the enemies across from you are dead, rush to your right to refill your ammo before rushing back to your left and taking cover behind the chest-high wall barricaded with barbed wire. A smaller wave of enemies will be trying to get the jump on you from your left. If you let them, they will easily mow you down as you rush to cover. Instead, shoot out the window to their left to flood the opposite side of the barrier in sand. When all of the enemies are washed away, climb over the barrier and proceed across the balcony.

As you clear the sand, more enemies will come in from the right side of the opposite balcony. Take cover behind the low wall and pick off the enemies as they rush in from the right attempting to kill Adams and Lugo. When this small wave of enemies is down, proceed to the left and loot the ammo crate from the next chest-high wall. Take cover by this low wall and shoot out the ceiling ahead. A few enemies will have been hiding up here, and they will drop down to their deaths after you shoot out the glass panels holding them up. More enemies will be on the floor below you. Look down to the colorful striped floor below to find a few enemies milling about down there. Take out as many as you can from this high vantage point before using the zipline to zip down to their level.

Immediately take cover behind the low wall in front of you. Take out the group of enemies in cover to your left, including the shotgunner who will rush out onto the field. Vault over cover to meet up with another shotgunner. Kill him, too, and run to the doorway on your right. You will find an ammo refill box here. Restock your ammo and enter the room ahead through the narrow doorway. Be sure that you have reloaded your gun beforehand, though, as this room will be one of the more challenging areas in the game. As you enter, the lights will beign to flash on and off, and two heavies will enter. Take cover behind the central table. If you have any grenades left, toss them out at the heavies, as it will be especially difficult to hit their small visors with precision attacks with the lights flickering on and off like this. If your stock of grenades has been depleted and the heavies still stand, note that there is an ammo refill box and sparse cover to the far right side of the room. Restock and take aim at the enemy's face to send him packing. The most difficult thing about this room is the eye strain, not the battle itself. Try to stay calm as you take aim.

With the room emptied, the lighting will return to normal. Proceed to the opposite side of the room and exit through the door on the left. There will be an enemy waiting for you just outside of the door. Take him out as you pass through the doorway. Take cover and restock your sticky grenades via the crate below the wall. The enemies across from you will be more focused on Adams and Lugo than on you, so take your time in picking them off with precision shots. When everyone is dead, Walker, Adams, and Lugo will form a plan to find the radio man and get a broadcast out of the city. Use the zipline all the way to the right of the area to get down to the next level, where even more enemies will await you. If you have a shotgun, now would be a good time to use this close-range weapon. Otherwise, use headshots and melee attacks to take the enemies out in these close quarters.

Head up the stairs to reach the next combat room, but only after looting the corpses here for guns and ammo that you might need in the firefight to come. As you ascend the stairs, Lugo will fall to an enemy bullet. You will have a limited amount of time to reach him and revive him before he dies and saddles you with a Game Over. Run the rest of the way up the stairs. Watch out for enemies to your left. If you have the time, take them out with a shotgun or a headshot, but your first concern should really be Lugo's safety in this situation. Run over to your right, where you will find a mounted gunner. This gunner will be keeping Adams from getting to Lugo. Kill the gunner and Adams will rush to save Lugo. Get on the mounted gun and protect your partners from the hoards of enemies who will be incoming.

The opposite side of the balcony will have three floors, all of which will be lined with tons and tons of explosive boxes. You will have to protect Adams and Lugo as they traverse the various floors of the building. Note that most of the chest-high walls protecting the enemies across from you can actually be destroyed by your powerful mounted gun. Also note that the enemies will come out not just from the top three floors, but also from a fourth, lower floor, accesible by an escalator on the bottom of the first floor. You will want to keep a careful eye on each of the other entrances to the area, too, as the swarm of enemies will be near constant. When Adams shouts out about enemies with RPGs, look to the left side of the lowest floor to find and kill them before they can do any permanent damage. Right after this, look up to the middle of the three floors to find a few more enemies with RPGs. Right after these enemies have been dealt with, look to the escalator leading from the middle floor to the top floor to find a heavy soldier trying to get the jump on your squad. Kill him, and then look up to the roof to find a bunch of snipers. Kill all of the snipers as fast as you can, shooting through the low walls if necessary. This will mark the final leg of the sequence. Adams and Lugo will attempt to reach the far right side of the roof, but tons more enemies will be running down the stairs over there. Train your gun on the stairs and keep up a constant stream of fire to kill all of the enemies as they run down the stairs. With this, you iwll only have a few more enemies to kill off before Adams and Lugo will be safe. Back off of the gun as they zipline over to you.

You will all hear a sound behind you when your squad lands. Adams will shoot in the door. You and your squad will find one member of the 33rd trying to surrender. Walker will put a gun to the man's head and ask about the radio man. The soldier will point you to the building where the radio man is broadcasting from, but he will warn you that you'll never make it there alive. There are simply too many soldiers. With that warning, you will be off to the towers in the distance.