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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 18 – Smythe Strikes Back, Part 4

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 18 – Smythe Strikes Back, Part 4

The room has a lot more fog in it now. That is a questionable thing, especially inside a building. Head into the next room and it is time to square off against the Scorpion again. Remember, he can spit acid and loves to take multiple swings given that chance. Dodge all of them to avoid damage as much as possible. This time he will have added in a spread acid shot. This means that whenever you see the Red Spider-sense, immediately use Web-retreat. It just makes it a lot easier. He also hits a lot harder too so even the standard dodges are more important. Just dodge in and out of combat to get through the fight. You know it is over when Spider-Man harpoons the Scorpion through a window and the pair goes smashing through a number of glass floor panes. It ends with Spider-Man webbing the Scorpion to the ground.

When the dust has settled, look around the room. There is a solitary door open. Head on through it to the next one. Just go forward and head through the hole in the upper right glass pane to get out of there. There is one big problem with getting outside though …

Smythe is in control of another massive robot that is determined to crush Spider-Man. Just freaking great. Still, it is vulnerable the same way the last one was. Look along its body, near the head you will notice a Blue reactor symbol. Get a clear view of it and start shooting webbing at it. Just keep this up until you see it explode. At that point, land and enjoy the breather. A Quick Time event is about to start.

First, dodge the incoming claw. After that Spider-Man needs to Web Strike the exposed core of S-02. After that, you need to spot a second reactor that is along the back of S-02. This means moving quickly around the beast and getting the webbing shots off. It will lead to a second Quick Time Event just like the first where you need to dodge an incoming claw and then charge into the core of the beast a second time.

Time for an interruption in the battle. Whitney has moved into the combat zone and her helicopter is hit by S-02's attacks. You need to Web Rush in and start crawling on the beast itself. Just keep moving forward and Spider-Man will save Whitney. The cutscene will continue with S-02 plowing through Oscorp itself and emerging on the far side of it. Time for the next part of the battle.

Start by running to the left or right and firing your webbing. This strafing will ensure that S-02 cannot directly hit you easily. If it does get close, dodge out of the way at the last possible moment. Now just wait for the chance to be told to dodge. Web-Strike in after that then mash the prompted button to pull the core out some then slam it back into S-02.

When Spider-Man lands after that strike get moving and be ready to web-retreat. S-02 will unleash a laser on you. Now, to dodge this you need to jump over it. Just keep moving and firing in the mean time. Repeat the Quick Time Event once you are prompted to dodge.

Round 3 here is a combination of the first 2. About 4 claw swipes to be followed by the laser sweeping across the roof 3 times. Dodge the claws and jump the laser. With that all done, it is time for the final sequence. Just web rush the antennae and mash the prompted button to finish the fight.

Once all the dust has settled, head back to your apartment for a chat with Dr. Connors.