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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 25 – Outbreaks and Breakouts, Part 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 25 – Outbreaks and Breakouts, Part 2

St. Gabriel's Bank Part 2
Head immediately into the crashed car and follow it down into the depths of the New York City Subway: a scary place to be to begin with. Head through the wreckage and onto the first platform you find. There are 3 robbers there that need to be dealt with. Start with the one closest to the train itself as he has a gun and that is very bad for Spider-Man's health. After that, you have 2 tough guys who like to block and need to be fought with leap attacks.

Once the fight is over, head to the right-hand side of the platform. To the right of the Fizzy Soda Machine you will find one of the collectible magazines. Grab that and turn to the right. Head on through the busted out window there and back into the Subway Car.

When you reach the exit sign and the way forward looks barred, look up. There you will find a vent you can crawl through. Just start up and get moving forward. Felicia will appear and tell the 2 Heavies there that she wants them to take down Spider-Man. She just dashes off after that. Just head forward through the vent shaft after that. You will find the next room filled with Mercenaries. Time to get a little creative in taking people down.

Start by getting up on the ceiling. There is a pair of mercenaries patrolling the upper balcony. Get them first. Thankfully they patrol opposing ends of the balcony so they make for easy take-downs. After that just focus on holding onto the top of the ceiling and picking up the rest of the enemies either 1 or 2 at a time. They do not seem to notice Spider-Man grabbing their friends if you work from the ceiling of the room itself.

Once all of them have been cocooned to the ceiling then Spider-Man is clear to drop down and head through the door you saw open below to the right. Head through the corridor but be sure to look to the right of the second row of ATM machines to find another magazine for your collection. Just continue forward after that into the next room, the parking garage from the look of it.

As Spider-Man enters a cutscene runs with Felicia getting the drop on Spider-Man and throwing an electrifying grenade at him. She fires off a round and challenges him to a battle.

Felicia Hardy
This is a good boss battle. First though, pay attention to any prompt for Web-Retreat. If you see that, hit it immediately to avoid getting stunned and letting Felicia get some free hits on you. Ideally, you will retreat and then drop back to the ground after the burst has gone off. At this point, aim and fire on her with your Web-Shooters. These work to stun her just long enough for you to close the distance and get a few hits in. If done from a distance Spider-Man will have the chance to get a Web-Strike in.

After a few good exchanges of blows, Felicia will pull out a smoke bomb and throw it down, obscuring the area long enough for her to get a quick retreat in. The battle's style changes now. She will hide somewhere in the parking garage and it is up to Spider-Man to find her. This is also a good time to snap her photo. The best way to get the drop on Felicia is to get into the shadows on the ceiling and move around in those. To find Felicia, get in a good position where you can see most of the pillars and use Focus Time to locate her with her red silhouette. Get above her in the shadows then strike at her with a Web-Strike. For a while after she will switch back to more mobile. The problem with this is she will start dropping her electrifying grenades a lot more.

After a while more of exchanging blows she will drop another smoke bomb and vanish from sight. Once again, take to the ceiling and handle it just like last time. Get into the shadows, use Focus Vision to find her and keep in the shadows. Once you have a clean line of attack to Felicia, take it. She will repeat this pattern 3 more times. Get a few hits in when you can.

Once she has taken enough damage then the fight is over. The two have a nice chat and Spider-Man keeps a good grip on her to escort her out of the building. Just move forward and listen some to what she has to say. Just move on forward through the ruined Subway car and into the elevator. Just head out and to the right to finish up the first bank robbery.

A problem will appear when you leave the bank robbery: your phone's signal will cut. This means you need to find the source of the jamming. In this case, there are 3 sources. Each is a satellite dish guarded by 3 Combat Drones. Get to a good vantage point and head for each of the 3 red beacons in the sky.

Another problem will become immediately apparent once the signal has been restored. Smythe now has both Peter Parker and Spider-Man on his “Most Wanted” list. Smythe has apparently used Oscorp resources to track down the place Peter is staying. Time to rush back and look into matters there.