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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 28 – Spider-Man No More! Part 2

 The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 28 – Spider-Man No More! Part 2

This section takes a little more finesse than the other parts. You need to move forward carefully as there are burst of extremely hot steam that can hurt the web-crawler. Just head to the left after the first burst of steam. If the steam bursts are off around the corner, wait for them to cycle through. There are 2 this time and they can hurt a lot.

After the pair, follow the twists in the path and turn to the left again. There are more steam blasts ahead so move carefully when you have the metal grating on your right. Just head past them turn quickly to the left then right.

The next part of this requires you to weave between jets of steam from the roof of the shaft you are crawling through. Bend to the left after that and it is back to jets of steam from the side coming at you. Spider-Man questions some of his life here as he feelings he should be flirting with cheerleaders and playing WoW.

Get past those jets and turn to the right. When you reach the end of the pipe on your left, turn left and head behind the pipe. At the base of the pipe, guarded by timed steam jets is a Tech Upgrade. Once they stop you have enough time to get to the Tech Upgrade and get out from behind the steam blasts. Head past 2 more steam blasts and you will finally be through that section and back into a narrow shaft.

Smythe and Connors continue to talk about the events that are coming with the trail run of Smythe's Nanobot serum. Connors is convinced that Smythe has gone off the deep end. Now Spider-Man needs to head straight forward. When you make it around a few more corners then you are finally able to get out of the ventilation shafts and into the holding cell where Connors is.

This does not start well but with only a few Sentries, it is not the worst situation you have been in so far. You do not need to fight them. Notice that there are 3 generators surrounded by force fields. You need to web-swing the Sentries into the generators to disable them. After that it will move forward on its own. It is straight into a fight you cannot win for now.

Smythe will show up with some battle armor and attack you, knocking Spider-Man forward through a number of windows and into a room filled with Sentries. Start moving between the lasers and grab the Tech Upgrade in the back of the room and in the room to the left. They will not react as the nanobots are rearranging the Cross-Species DNA inside Spider-Man, marking him as a normal human. This also means the jumping and the strength are gone too. Shortly after Smythe tells Peter that they can be programmed to attack a normal person is when you want to start running for the door in the top right of the second room.

Go up the stairs and then over to the right. Head into the big, empty room. Immediately head to the desk on the right. There you will find your Web-Shooters and your Osphone. Head to the opposite desk if you want to grab one of the collectible magazines. With them in hand, head over to the top corners of the room. You will find a lever in each corner that will let you raise the door in front of you. Be sure to explore to the right as there is an Oscorp Security Manual hidden behind crates to the right. This reveals the next robot in the S Series. You can snap of photo of it. Once you have, just head forward underneath the robot.