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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 29 – Spider-Man No More! Part 3

 The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 29 – Spider-Man No More! Part 3

Sentries will drop from the ceiling above and give chase. Just keep heading forward and jumping the gaps in the scaffolding. When you reach the end of the scaffolding, look to the right and you will notice a red pipe. Move over to that and balance across it to make it to the next segment of scaffolding. Turn left when you get there and jump the next 2 gaps. Turn left and hop the next gap.

Look to the right and you will find a red pipe to balance on. Get across it and head to the left. Once you are back on the scaffolding then jump the gaps to the left. Head over to the edge of the scaffolding you are on and look to the left. You will notice a mobile platform. Now, fire off some web-blasts at it to move it over to you. Cross over jumping the gap to the other side. If you miss, head over to the right and you will find some stairs that lead back up to where you were.

Once you are on the other side, move to the left one landing. Move the platform over to you and jump across to claim another Tech Upgrade. Head back to the sturdy side and then move to the final platform over to the left. Head up the stairs and onto the red pipes in front of you. Time for more balancing, now with web-shooting. Move along the pipe until it first crosses over the massive robot. Hop off it and onto the robot to collect another Tech Upgrade then get back onto the red pipe. Block up the steam jets and get onto the section of smaller pipes. Just shoot the web-shooters to stop of the steam jets and let you move across with ease. Jump the gap then get back onto the red pipe. Continue to fire off blasts of web to stop the steam from hurting you.

Not too long after you will reach the elevator numbered 4. Head around to the left and you can collect another magazine. Continue around it and head out onto the next section of scaffolding. Just head up the stairs and jump the gaps as appropriate. It is very important to just keep moving. Sentries will be dropping down in this section and stopping means they have a chance to start at you. Just get onto the Red Pipe at the top of the stairs as fast as you can. Walking up to it is recommended. Once on the pipe just fire your web-shooters to stop up the steam jets as you approach them.

On the other side you will find the next elevator shaft. Just head around it to the left and over to the red pipe on the left. Start balancing across that. You are nearly out of this section. You will notice an office you can run to just beyond 6 Sentries. Simply web-up the sentries and you can make it into the office and through the door in the back. It will shut on the sentries, blocking their path to you.

Smythe will taunt Spider-Man from a TV monitor just a little ways down the corridor. Turn right into the small office there and web up the sentry before it detects you. On the desk to the left is a collectible magazine. Now head out across the laser grid. This will trigger a few turrets. Just start shooting webbing now and keep it up until you are past the next 2 laser grids. Look to the right and you will notice an open doorway directly in front of you. This is the way forward. If you head to the right and
into the doorway to the right you will find an Oscorp Manual but it is guarded by a few sentries. It can go wrong very easily.

Head into the room in front of you with the cargo containers. Turn right and start running up them. At the top of the first set, turn left and jump the gap when the sentry's laser is aimed low or high. Repeat this at the next gap then continue climbing upwards. At the top turn quickly to the left to find another Oscorp security manual. Of course there are 2 sentries nearby it so web them up good. After that, collect the manual and to the right and into the room there to move on forward. At this point, just dash forward to the console in front of you.