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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part – Heroes Unite

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part  – Heroes Unite

The Final Battle
Head on forward to the struggling Robot. Time for those present of the Justice League to assemble.

Heroes Unite
Change over to Wonder Woman initially to fight through the first wave of Henchmen. After, switch to Cyborg and head over to the right. There you will find a glowing Gold Container. Have him blast it with his Laser eye to reveal a suit changer for Batman: the Electricity Suit. Get Batman changed then have the Caped Crusader head over to the electrified hand of the Joker Robot. Inside its palm is a socket you can draw the power out from. You need to time getting in there as the hand still opens and closes. Once the power is drawn out the arm will collapse and expose a new weak point.

Along the arm now you will see 2 grapple points. Batman, Robin or Wonder Woman can pull on them to further shut down the arm. This will expose an Orange Bar that needs to be pulled out. Change to Wonder Woman and fly up to the bar and yank on it. This will cause toxic slime to pour out and disable part of the Joker Robot's gun.

Change to the Green Lantern and head over to the left. You will notice the Green Assembly Pieces by the left arm of the Robot. Assemble the plunger from them and yank off the paneling of the arm. Change over to Cyborg and have him blast the Gold Bricks with his eyes. This reveals a pair of grapple points that Batman, Wonder Woman or Robin can pull on. After that, change back to Cyborg so he can magnetically pull on the 2 shiny blue pieces. This will destroy the other arm.

When that arm goes down, a Suit Changer for Robin will appear and a number of henchmen. Beat the Henchmen then put together the Suit changer for Robin so he can don the Acrobatics Suit. Head over to the left of the Joker Robot's head. There is a Pole socket there for you to plant the rod in. Have him do just that and jump onto it. This will knock out another bunch of goo from the Robot, doing more damage to it. It will also reveal some Green Assembly pieces that you need to smash the head off the robot. Just after you do, it is time to face down the Joker again.

The Joker
The someone approach the Joker and get caught in his Buzzer attack. Now have a separate hero approach and knock the Joker around for a hit or two. He will jump up onto the Joker Robot and call in a squad of 5 Lexbots. Have the heroes defeat them then it is on to the next round with the Joker.

Just like before, have one hero approach and get caught in the Buzzer then have another come up and sucker punch the Joker. This time 2 spindles of LexBots will attack the heroes. Repeat this for the third heart as well, and another 2 spindles of LexBots will attack you. From the Fourth Heart on it is just about getting one hero zapped and having another come up and sucker punch the Joker. Once the Joker goes down then it is time for the Heroes to face off against Power Armor Lex.

Power Armor Lex
Start by tricking Lex into Disassembling the Black Blocks. This will give you parts to assemble into a Ball Wheel for Robin to use. You need to get Lex to break apart the black blocks. Once all the pieces are put together then you can target the beam from Justice League headquarters, using the Ball Socket, onto Lex Luthor. Hold down the prompted button and drain the first life bar. This will cause the robot to go haywire briefly.

After the first short, Lex will hop out of the fight for a minute and call in a number of henchmen. Fight henchmen until Lex rejoins the fight. At that point, change back to Robin, get into the Acrobatic Ball and roll it into the Socket again. Fire up the laser and blast it down on the Power Armor. This is the basic pattern for the four hearts. Once the hearts are gone, then you have beat Lex in his Power Armor and and finished the chapter! Time to finish up the story and enjoy the final cutscene!