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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: O'Bannon Farm Part 3

This section will be another in which you must use your Chainsaw Blaster to hold the enemies off as they approach you from behind. You will emerge out onto an overlook, below which eight zombies will crawl from the ground. Take out your Chainsaw Blaster and target the enemies in the center of the field below you. Take them out one at a time, and try to go for kill shots in quick succession so that you can earn Sparkle Hunting bonuses. This is, as we've said before, the best way to earn coins quickly, and if you kill enough enemies quickly enough, you can easily boost your Special meter all the way to the top. If you let any of the zombies get too close to the balcony on which you are standing, they will actually begin to climb the posts up to the top and attack you in person. It is thus important to be sure that you have either taken out all of the zombies in quick succession before they can reach your position, or that you split your annention between teh zombies advancing from below you and the zombies who are crawling up the balcony to reach you. Use your chainsaw's heavy melee attacks to dispatch any zombies audacious enough to get up in your face. When all eight of the enemies are dead, hit either the O or the B button to leap over the fence and land in the field below.

When you land, be sure to refill the ammo for your Chainsaw Blaster before doing anything else. Power-ups to refill your gun can be found floating about the field in all corners; they are practically littering the place. After you have refilled your ammo, proceed towards the fence to your left. As you near the fence, another wave consisting of ten zombies will spawn from the other side of the fence and attack you. You can't climb over the fence for now, so you'll either have to let the zombies come to you or shoot them with your Chainsaw Blaster before they can reach the fence. Since the zombies will be coming at a pretty measured pace, it's probably a better idea to stand back and let the zombies come to you. They will alternate coming from the left, then the right, and then the center, and they'll be moving slowly enough that you should be able to take most of them out with head shots. Eliminate the enemies as they come towards you, and again, be sure to watch out for any ambitious zombies scaling the fence and chasing you down on your side of the barricade. If they get too close, don't hesitate to use your chainsaw to slice and dice them.

After all ten of the zombies have been dealt with, a speeding tractor will target you, but hit the fence and crash instead. You can now proceed to the next area of the farm. Simply target the tractor with your Chainsaw Blaster, refilling your ammo from one of the power ups scattered about the farm if need be, and shoot it until it explodes, opening a path ahead. Proceed through the broken fence and around the corner to reach the next area of the farm.