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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: O'Bannon Farm Part 8

After defending Rosalind's bus, you will receive another phone call on your chainsaw phone. It will be Juliet's other sister, Cordellia, reminding you about the principles of level scoring. Basically, finish a level faster and with more kills to get a better score. Pretty basic stuff, all of which we've already covered in the first sections of the guide. Anyways, as you proceed ahead, you will stumble upon a stable full of zombie horses. Just like the cows, you can attack and even kill the zombie horses to earn extra coins. Again, just like with the cows, do not expect to have a free ride to extra coins from the horses, as when you begin to attack them, they will not take it lying down. Expect the horses to rear back and attack you, although as long as you can dodge out of the way in time they should not provide you with too much trouble.

Either kill the horses to get more coins or let them live if you don't want to risk taking a few hits to your health (their charge attacks, just like the cows, are powerful enough to send you sprawling out on the ground.) When you are ready to proceed, head forwards up towards the waterfront. You will find another mushroom waiting for you here. Just like before, you should slash through the mushroom using your chainsaw in a quick time event. One short loading screen later and you will be facing off against not one, but three of the giant chickens from the last hallucination sequence. Again, you will want to keep your distance from them as you fight. Keep your back towards the back wall of the area, and use your Chainsaw Blaster grenade launcher attachment to keep the chickens on their toes. Focus on killing the enemies off one at a time, so that way you'll be facing less opposition as the level wears on. After you defeat the chickens, the ground will shake and one zombie will appear. That zombie, however, will be quite a biggie.

Boss Battle: Giant Chicken Hydra

A three headed mechanical chicken monstrosity will form itself from the remains of the wreckage of a bus ahead of you. This will be a sort of mini boss battle in which you will have to use your chainsaw Blaster and your chainsaw itself to damage the chicken's multiple heads. Watch the heads as you skirt around them. As the heads rear back, they are preparing for a damaging peck attack that will knock you to the ground if it connects. If you see the head approach the ground quickly before rearin back, that means that the head is preparing to launch a multiple peck attack that will strike the ground three times before coming to a temporary pause to let you attack it. When this happens, rush up to the head and strike it with your most powerful chainsaw attacks to damage it heavily before it can retreat safely back to the confines of the ruined bus.

The heads will also occasionally shoot bubbles at you, an attack that will knock you down on your butt. This is more annoying than damaging, although as the fight progresses the bubble attacks will become faster and more damaging.

When you have damaged one of the heads enough, you will receive a prompt to kill it just like you would a boss zombie. Hit the head with the chainsaw attack one more time to initiate a quick time event in which you chop through the chicken's neck with your saw, killing it and making the rest of the fight easier on you. Once you have chopped off two of the chicken's three heads, things will start getting a little more serious. The remaining head will begin moving around erratically, spastically shooting bubbles out at you rapid fire, almost like a machine gun. When it pecks, it'll move at a speed that's almost too fast to hit or dodge. Simply mash on the dodge button as the beak comes down, and wait for the head to get stuck in the ground. This is your chance; hit the head with your chainsaw until you get the prompt to sever it, and then disconnect the head from the body just like you did with the others. This will end the boss battle, and the hallucination as well.

If you're having trouble hitting the heads as they reach the ground, either because you are getting hit too often or simply because the heads refuse to come down (during our multiple playthroughs of the game, we found that the heads will often go for long periods of time without pecking the ground to attack you, opting to shoot bubbles at you towards the end of the fight instead) use your Chainsaw Blaster to hit them from afar before sending them down for the count. You will, of course, only be able to deliver the finishing chainsaw blow using your chainsaw, but you can use the Chainsaw Blaster attachment to at least whittle their health down some before then.

When the battle is over, you will be met with another trippy loading screen. On the other end of the loading screen, you will find yourself back on O'Bannon Farm, ready to repeat a familiar minigame.