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Lollipop Chainsaw Walkthrough: O'Bannon Farm Part 9

You have just defeated the mecha chicken boss battle, essentially the midway point of the absolutely massive O'Bannon Farm level in Lollipop Chainsaw. Congratulations on your victory against the evils of mechanical chickens! But you're not out of the woods yet, not nearly. You will still have to face off against tons of zombies, complete more minigames, and even defeat another, proper boss battle. But first things first; it's time for another zombie gardening minigame, of sorts.

When you awake from the mushroom induced haze of mechanical chicken battles, you will find yourself on another tractor in the farm. The objective here is the same as it was before; you will have to kill off a large amount of zombies using the tractor. In case you don't remember from before, the R2 button accelerates, the L2 button decelerates, and if held down, the L2 button will allow you to reverse. You didn't have to drive with much finesse last time around, but now you will be forced to be a little more careful about where and how you drive. You see, this zombie farming minigame has a few catches to make sure you're paying attention.

First among these is the sheer number of zombies that you are expected to mop up. In place of the last level's 100 zombies, this minigame requires you to run over a whopping 300 of the undead enemies. But the much more significant change comes in the form of explosive red barrels, the likes of which are peppered about the field. You can spot the red barrels even from a long distance by the scarecrows protruding from their tops. Run into one of these barrels, and you aren't just damaging the tractor; you're damaging yourself in the process. Each time you hit a barrel, it eats away at Juliet's health, so even if you don't die in this section you can end up doing long lasting damage to your health meter. If by the end of the minigame you have hit too many red barrels, you might find yourself coming out at quite a disadvantage. Note that you can use lollipops to restore your health even now, in this little game.

Use caution when driving around the field. Drive slowly, aim for the large clusters of enemy zombies first, and pick off the stragglers later. Hitting the bad guys when they have all clustered together is, again, the best way to end this section quickly, but don't risk smashing through one of the exploding barrels just to get a large group of zombies all at once. It's best to wait and be precise. You will find that you will have to use the brakes and the reverse functionality of your vehicle a lot more in this minigame than you did in the last one. Make three point turns to get around tricky sections of the field lined with multiple explosives with ease, and be aggressive when the coast is clear to maximize the number of kills that you score. When most of the zombies are dead and you have but a few stragglers to deal with, this minigame can become more annoying. You will need to maneuver more precisely among the barrels in order to pick off the lone zombies remaining. It won't be easy to navigate amongst some of the more tricky barrels with ease; your tractor is after all quite cumbersome and large. Just be patient and exercise caution and you should come out with minimal damage and plenty of kills.

When the last zombie falls, the screen will fade to white and you will find yourself back on the O'Bannon Farm, ready to tackle still more of the lengthy mission.