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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 54 – Anvil of the Void, Part 7

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 54 – Anvil of the Void, Part 7

On the other side of the door you will have a pressure plate trap directly in front of you and 7 Genlocks.  Once they are all dead head back to the area just below the door. Go over to the East and start with the 2 Sarcophagi there. The one to the East has the Gloves of the Legion. To the South is some money. Head over to the West and turn North. Time to loot these sarcophagi as well. To the West is a Dagger (Red Steel) and to the East is Dwarven Mace (Red Steel). Turn to the South and head over to the West then continue South through the hole in the wall.

As the path goes to the East you will encounter 5 more Darkspawn. 3 Genlocks and 2 Hurlocks will come charging at you. 4 Corrupted Spiders will quickly join the fight as well. Continue with the fight to the East. If you have “The Admirable Topsider” active then you will encounter the Ancient Darkspawn in this hallway. This will yield the Topsider's Blade.

Continue along the corridor to the North and East. As you head down the corridor to the East you will encounter a tripwire trap with 2 Genlocks, 1 Hurlock and 2 Shrieks. After this fight, turn to the North as 2 more Hurlocks will engage you with Arrows. Give them a taste of Steel as well. Head into the next large room to move on.

In this room start by going to the East. In the small chamber there you will find a number of Sarcophagi. In the Eastern corner you will find : Dwarven Mace (Silverite), Dwarven Armored Gloves (Silverite). In the South you will find a Dwarven Longsword (Steel). Head out of the small room and turn South. There you will find 10 Darkspawn waiting there for you. A few will be Hurlocks but the majority are Genlocks. One of them is Genlock Forge-Master. He is more durable than the rest of them and poses a fair threat on his own. Once they are all down there is a Locked Chest just to the right of where the Genlock Forge-Master retreated to. Behind the rocks he was heading for you will find a broken crate to loot as well. With all this collected, turn to the North and head onwards.

Head on around the pillar in the middle of the room. Get to the Metal Door and head on through to the North. Go across the bridge and pause in the middle. You are about to get ambushed by 8 Shrieks. Lay into the bunch of them quickly. Just continue up to the next metal door after that to enjoy a pause in the violence. As you head through to the third metal door head over to the right. You will find a Runestone which has an update for the “Stalata Negat” codex entry.

In the next room you have a Hurlock Emissary and around 8 Skeletons. Defeat them all. Be sure to look into the first enclave on the Western side of the room for the Armor of the Legion. With that collected head over to the Northeast and go through the door there.