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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXIX: Barbarian Elective Build Three- Listen Up

Mouse Skills:
Frenzy (Vanguard)
Weapon Throw (Dread Bomb)
Hotbar Skills:
Threatening Shout (Falter)
War Cry (Invigorate)
Ignore Pain (Mob Rule)
Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash)
Passive Skills:
Inspiring Presence
Pound of Flesh

The main point of this build is Falter, Invigorate, and Mob Rule.  You should endeavor to have War Cry’s Invigorate effect up at all times- it will keep your party members on their feet and dealing damage.  Threatening Shout quiets things down in times of heavier damage, as does Mob Rule, and the Falter effect lets you hamper things so that any melee or AoE allies you have can take advantage there, while the damage coming in to them is reduced.  Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash) is a purely tactical selection- the choice of rune not only increases the area of effect to cover large parts of the screen (a great boon in emergencies), it forces your enemies into a clump, and any ally with area of effect attacks is going to love you for doing that, if they somehow managed not to already for the way you probably doubled their survivability just by yelling a lot.

Offensively, you pack only Frenzy and Dread Bomb.  This is because Frenzy will generate all the Fury you could ever need, and Dread Bomb will spend everything you have to spare in its thirst to deal even more damage.  Frenzy should be happening most of the time- Vanguard’s movement buff is useful, especially when Threatening Shout, Ignore Pain, and Ground Stomp are all on cooldown and you need to peel an enemy off the Witch Doctor.  Dread Bomb is selected so that you can quickly dump all your Fury into massive damage- preferably on a cluster of enemies, but obliterating one lone enemy fighter is fine- so you can refill your Fury again with Frenzy and then dump it into another massive Dread Bomb.  The base gameplay is simple- all the work here is in timing your uses of Threatening Shout, Ignore Pain, and Ground stomp.

Inspiring Presence is there to help with that, doubling the duration of War Cry so you need less maintenance, and the duration of Threatening Shout to better protect your allies.  The health regeneration is just a handy side-effect.  Pound of Flesh is also not there for your own sake- as much as you appreciate getting health globes to heal you much more often (and for double value, yet), each health globe you grab heals -all- your nearby party members, so while it’s erratic it’s still another heal for your allies atop Invigorate.  Superstition is there to patch up the Barbarian’s defensive weak point (non-physical attacks), and because why not?  Put more Fury into your Dread Bombs.