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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXXII: Monk Elective Build Two- Back To Basics

Mouse Skills:
Fists of Thunder (Thunderclap)
Way of the Hundred Fists (Spirited Salvo)
Hotbar Skills:
Crippling Wave (Tsunami)
Wave of Light (Wall of Light)
Sweeping Wind (Inner Storm)
Mantra of Conviction (Dishearten)
Passive Skills:
Combination Strike
Chant of Resonance

The main skills in constant use here are naturally the three Primary skills.  Fists of Thunder is your opener- it teleports you to the target and, thanks to its superior attack rate, generates plenty of Spirit.  Following it up with two strikes from Way of the Hundred Fists gives you a good chance of not only generating extra Spirit, but also damaging enemies around your main target with the cluster of hits that makes the second step of that Primary skill.  After that, Crippling Wave should be launched three times- the third attack extends in every direction and, thanks to Tsunami, will be dealing damage to everything in a very healthy range around you- and at that point you should be up to a 24% damage boost.  Once that third attack comes out, you can drop back to Fists of Thunder and teleport to your target again- or to a new target.  This makes for a very efficient way of dealing with both single targets and clusters of enemies- but it’s hardly all you’ve got going.

With your rapid use of Primary skills, Sweeping Wind should be up constantly for long periods of time, adding still more damage to anything near you.  The rapidfire use of Primary skills, particularly the speed of Fists of Thunder, the multi-striking second attack from Way of the Hundred Fists, and the ability to hit everything in a decent range with Tsunami should all increase your chances of scoring critical hits- not for the damage on the critical, though that’s nothing to sneer at, but in order to power up Sweeping Wind’s damage effect.  All of this Spirit Generation is just going to waste on its own- which is what Wave of Light is for.  At 75 Spirit, it’s a high-cost skill, so you won’t be interrupting too often with it.  If you’re cycling through your Primary attacks quickly enough (you’ll unquestionably want to boost your attack speed with your gear if you go for this build), then the Wall of Light damage of 312% of your weapon damage should be boosted by the three 8% damage buffs, making it an incredible 390% weapon damage and the shockwave another 55% or so of weapon damage.  Mantra of Conviction (Dishearten) further pumps things, compounding the buff from Combination Strike and kicking Wall of Light up to something in the realm of 430% of weapon damage.

Combination Strike, of course, is what the whole build hinges on and is built around, and really helps you keep your damage kicked into gear.  Chant of Resonance only further funds your Spiritstream effect, letting you Wave of Light more often and worry less about keeping your Mantra up.  Transcendence keeps you on your feet, since you’re blowing lots of Spirit on Wave of Light and thus going to be gaining lots of Life off of the expenditure.