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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXXIV: Monk Elective Build Four- Ytar’s Frown

Mouse Skills:
Crippling Wave (Breaking Wave)
Exploding Palm (The Flesh is Weak)
Hotbar Skills:
Blinding Flash (Searing Light)
Mystic Ally (Water Ally)
Breath of Heaven (Penitent Flame)
Mantra of Conviction (Overawe)
Passive Skills:
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The main skill here is Crippling Wave.  With its strong ability to cut enemy attack and movement on the third attack, and the addition of Breaking Wave’s buff to damage against them, Crippling Wave is a very strong Primary Skill for cutting back on what your enemies can do.  When you aren’t alone, it can be a little difficult getting enemies into range for it in the large numbers it can handle, but that’s more of a concern for while you are playing- you have to choose your targets correctly.

Mystic Ally is a very strong borderline-passive skill to have along with you, and choosing Water Ally means that whichever enemy your Ally is attacing will become much less of a concern for you and any party members with you, not only distracted but slowed down.  Blinding Flash can kill enemy damage output, and is especially useful with its alternative effect against elite monsters (champions, named monsters, and bosses).  Searing Light enhances that bonus, keeping Blinding Flash relevant in virtually all fights even at the highest tiers of play.  Breath of Heaven is your panic button- when you use it, get near allies before triggering.  You’ll ensure healing for your party members, and scare off anything that was chewing on their legs.  Mantra of Conviction provides you a strong buff to damage against enemies, and the Overawe rune only pushes that further, making it even easier to cripple your foes.  Your main Spirit expenditure will be Exploding Palm, which not only punishes enemies for crowding by having the one you selected to strike explode all over them, but further pushes the amount of damage you and party members will be dealing with them thanks to The Flesh is Weak.  This works especially nastily when applied to a leader or elite mob in the middle of a weaker mob cluster, provided your allies can get enough damage through to the primed target.

The only passive skill that really pitches in on the ‘debuff enemies’ front is Resolve, which further strengthens Crippling Wave’s multi-target debilitation by cutting the enemies’ damage output.  What you choose for your other passives really depends on your experiences.  If you find you and your Water Ally need to be tougher, pick up things like Seize the Initiative or One With Everything.  Players who find they need Blinding Flash or Breath of Heaven more often can invest in Beacon of Ytar, and those who get interrupted too much by enemy effects to keep their debuffs active can grab Pacifism to keep themselves in once piece through the stagger.