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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXXV: Monk Elective Build Five- No I’m The Tank

Mouse Skills:
Crippling Wave (Concussion)
Cyclone Strike (Implosion)
Hotbar Skills:
Breath of Heaven (Circle of Scorn)
Dashing Strike (Flying Side Kick)
Sweeping Wind (Blade Storm)
Mantra of Retribution (Collateral Damage)
Passive Skills:
Chant of Resonance
Seize the Initiative

Combining Crippling Wave with Cyclone Strike makes it very easy to keep things in range for the third attack of the Crippling Wave sequence, and with both of these circular skills being very strongly oriented towards keeping enemies on you and incapacitated, they make a perfect core tanking tool.  Even if the enemies aren’t interested in hitting you, or want to escape to long range, the pair of skills will keep them close to you, ripe for your attack or the area attacks of allies.  Implosion is a vital rune for Cyclone Strike here- while it might be nice to Cyclone Strike more often or less expensively, you need the range to make sure you’re grabbing as much of the fight as possible.

On the Hotbar, one of the most important skills is the one used least often- your Mantra.  Mantra of Retribution draws more attention from enemies already focused on you by stabbing them back when they stab at you, and Collateral Damage takes advantage of the stack caused by Cyclone Strike, making enemies damage themselves and their allies, should any still be alive when the damage erupts.  Of a similar use frequency is Sweeping Wind, which takes the Blade Storm rune to deal out maximum damage and end each fight more quickly.  Since the damage is a PBAoE, it doesn’t care how many enemies are there or what they do- as long as you’re using Cyclone Strike to keep them nearby, it’ll keep cutting away their Life.  Dashing Strike is your positioning tool, getting you into battle first and putting you in the middle of the enemy, so you can get the most targets with Cyclone Strike and, subsequently, Crippling Wave and Sweeping Wind- and Breath of Heaven, whose Circle of Scorn rune causes damage to your enemies every time you need it to heal yourself.

In your passives, Transcendence beefs up your defenses, healing you considerably with every Cyclone Strike and adding more healing onto Breath of Heaven, both things you want.  Seize the Initiative cuts incoming damage even further than Crippling Wave already did, particularly with Concussion keeping them staggered.  And, of course, Chant of Resonance gives you more Spirit to power more frequent Cyclone Strikes.