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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 31 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 3

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 31 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 3

With the Skeleton Key carefully walk over to the ledge and drop down onto the chain below from the Golem. Head back along the chain to the East and continue that way. Go to the Northeastern door in the chamber Karn was waiting in and use the key to open the door there. Just go on up the stairs after that and through the door to the North. Approach the ledge and Karn will offer to toss the Rider over the gap. Move over to him and interact with him to make it so.

On the other side you have 2 Corrupted Constructs try to come at you. Defeat them like the chums they are then turn to the East. Just over the railing is a chest on a platform below. Hop down to it carefully. Open it up to receive the Dungeon Map. Climb back up the wall and head North after that. Just approach the glowing orb in the center of the room after that. Time for Death to get a new ability: Death Grip. Just slash away at the container until the spirit is released. This releases the ability contained within.

Head back to the South and use the Death Grip to cross the gap back over to Karn. Turn around once you have and look into the pit below. There is another target a ways down. Go onto the hand hold and vault from it. When prompted use the Death Grip to cover the distance and enter into this smaller room heading to the West. Time to deal with some Corrupted Constructs again. Defeat them then look up along the Western Wall. Aim Death over to the next hook. Use that to reach the ledge above. You will find another Page from the Book of the Dead. This is the tenth available so you could complete a chapter at this point. Head back to Karn once again. Head back into the Stairwell but pause at the top.

This time at the top of the stairwell turn to the West toward the Corruption Crystals there. Have Death face them and you will be able to grab a Shadowbomb from the Growth behind the crystals. Throw it at the crystals to blast them away and clear the path over to the chest there. Collect the chest then head down the stairs.

At the bottom Karn will tell you to follow him through the Eastern passage toward the Guardian. Take a moment to head through the Southwestern passage toward the Golem you have chained to the wall. Climb back onto the chain and go along it to the mid-point. There, look to the North and you will spot a grip. Jump toward it and use Death Grip to reach it. From there you will reach a chest previously inaccessible. Open it up then use either a Wall Run to jump back to the chain or fail that and Death will return to the ground by the Golem. Now it is time to follow Karn to the Guardian's Chamber to the East.

Follow him to the West and into the chamber with the Corrupted Warriors. Defeat all of them then look to the North. You will notice a Shadow Bomb Growth. Use Death Grip to grab one then throw it at the lever to the West. This will raise the bridge out the lava and let Death continue on the West.