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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 32 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 4

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 32 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 4

Start this room by facing to the South. You will see some post that Death can jump along to each the Southern edge of the room. At the third one turn to the West and jump over to the lever. Throw the lever to raise half of the bridge in front of Karn.

Turn to the South now and climb up the wall to the post above. Head to the end of the post then jump and use Death Grip to reach the hook above and get to the vines in the middle of the ceiling. Cross those to the North and jump once again to reach the next hook with Death Grip and make it over Northern part of the room. Drop and throw the second lever. Now turn around and climb back up. Go up to the Hand hold and follow them to the right. Just jump from the first to the second then wall run after that to get to where you started. Cross the bridge to the West and head through the next door.

In this elevator shaft, turn to the South and throw the switch there. It will lower Death and Karn to the next level. Head to the West from there to move forward. Just press through the first room into the second chamber. You will arrive at the first Heart stone you need for the Guardian. Face South and let Karn throw you to the next ledge beyond the lava flow. Jump from there onto the post and into the Southern hand hold. Start to the West and Wall Run from the edge of the Hand hold. Just continue to the West, shimmying and Wall Running. When Death is on solid ground again turn around. You will see the grip you used to cross some of the wall. Use it again from this angle to make it up to the chest above you passed by earlier. Claim it then get back on the hand holds. Clamber across them and then lean from the edge of them to make it back to the Northern passage you were on.

Head North to the pressure plate to retract the barrier in front of Death. Karn will tell him to use the Death Grip on him to escape from that area. He will then throw the Pale Rider to the Northern edge of the room. Head to the East from there and use the Death Grip to make it the hand hold over on the Eastern wall. Just run along the Wall to the next hand hold. Be ready to jump some to make it there. At the next hand hold run up the wall to find another chest for you to grab. After that, drop down to the hand hold then Wall Run over to the post then grab onto the pillar there. Lean from the pillar and jump to the next. Repeat this to the third post where you want to drop some then lean and jump over to the platform below you. Head South once again and drop to the platform below you. Turn to the North then Wall Run over to the East and reach the Golem there. Activate it then turn to the Southeast. Roll through the lava over to the chest that is sitting on a narrow band of land. Hop off and open it up. Now turn to the Golem once again and mount up. Roll around to the North then start over to the West and start going South when you can.

Smash through the Corruption Crystal that block your way forward and then turn to the East. Roll over to the Ball Socket and get the Golem inside it. Now aim the chain up at the target North of you and have Death run along it. Jump to the left and climb up the hand holds, shuffling to the right to make it back onto solid ground. Smash up the barrels and vases on the way to the East and approach the Heart Stone. Use Death Grip to drop the stone down. Karn will grab it and say they need to get it back to the Guardian. Turn and head to the East, through the door to the elevator and throw the lever again.

The elevator will start to rise up and Tainted Constructs will start attacking the pair. Tear into the Constructs as best you can. If Death starts to get overwhelmed then move over toward Karn. With him swinging the stone around he is taking down Constructs very quickly. Just keep fighting and tearing through the Constructs until the elevator reaches the top of the shaft. Head on to the East from there straight through to the Guardian's Chamber. Head to the Northern point of the room to have the Heart Stone levitate into position.