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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 10: Metroplex Heeds The Call Part 4

Head out through the hall to the right and access the Teletraan 1 store if you need to buy any new guns, upgrades, perks, or consumables. When you are ready to head back into the fray of battle, leave the Teletraan 1 store and head towards your waypoint on the left. You will find a group of Autobots desperately fighting off oncoming waves of enemies. Point your artillery reticule out of the window and help them out with a big artillery blast. Pick up the spare ammo in the left hand corner while you are waiting for the artillery strike to recharge. When it's all full, poke your head out the door and take care of the enemies on the balcony ahead with another strike. More enemies will begin filing in from the back right, including a dropship, after you take care of this first wave of enemies. Wait for your artillery to recharge again, and then take them out in one powerful blow.

Proceed outside when it is safe and collect the ammo and Energon Cubes nearby to restock. Head up the walkway on the right to get in range of the cannon ahead, and order Metroplex to dismantle it with a tap of RB and A. After a brief conversation with Metroplex and Warpath, head into the doorway in the center of the area and proceed up the staircase to the next floor. Head past the first doorway to find a second that will lead you to four boxes or currency ripe for the taking. Smash them up and then head back to the first hall, where you will find a fifth crate. Smash it, too, and then hold X to pry open the door and walk into the next hallway. Proceed down the hall, grabbing the health and ammo as you go. When you reach the halway point, two Leapers will break in and corner you. Don't worry, though; Metroplex will help you out. Proceed past the smoldering wreckage that was the hallway and access the Armory Reactor at the far end of the hall if you wish. It will contain a Riot Cannon, a powerful mid to long range weapon that sends explosive bursts into your enemies. When fully upgraded, this weapon can take out many enemies with one direct shot. It's a powerful weapon for sure, and one that we would recommend you keep close by during some of the game's toughest battles.

Head all the way down to the dead end of the hallway. You will find an audio log hidden in the rubble of the far collapsed wall. Snatch it up to expand the lore of the Autobot's world and the war they have found themselves embroiled in. Then head back out to the main hall, where you will find a breakable wall leading into the next zone. Smash through the wall and head to the left, towards your new waypoint. The final Decepticon Warp Cannon will lie just in the distance. Jump down to the lower level and turn around to find a currency crate. Smash it, and then proceed ahead, through two more breakable walls. You will find another crate directly to the left and behind the first column after the second wall. Smash through the crate, and then head through the next wall and up the two flights of stairs. You will find a store waiting for you at the top of the stairs, which you can use to buy yourself some more ammo or weaponry. We would recommend that you invest in upgrading the Riot Cannon, as it is a powerful weapon for later in the game.

Head through the doorway when you are done and seek cover behind one of the large columns. The Decepticons will be putting up a very heavy fight in this area. Order Metroplex to bring down the dropship hovering overhead to the left. This should be your first order of business because if you don't take it out fast, it will loop back to the back of the battlefield and dorp off powerful Shotgun troopers. After giving the order to destroy the dropship, look to the left to find a wave of enemies rushing you. Make scrap of them using the Riot Cannon. By now your artillery strik should have replenished itself. This is good, because a Marauder cannon will be peppering you with heavy artillery first from the back right side of the battlefield. Use the artillery strike ability on the RB to bring the Marauder down, but watch out for more enemies proceeding past the downed columns in the middle of the area. If you need more ammo, there will be primary ammo behind the left hand downed pillar, and secondary ammo behind the central standing pillar.

Collect the ammo and proceed up to the uneven section of highway ahead. Get close to the cannon, as close as you can. Now order Metroplex to bring the last gun down. Just as he goes in for the kill, the cannon will send out a powerful blast, bringing Metroplex temporarily offline. Crab the Energon Cube to your left and then transform. Boost over the collapsing highway, first to the left and then to the right to avoid the spreading fire. When you reach the safety of the building ahead, transform back to your robot form and duck under the thick wires to your right. Head down the hallway, squeeze through the door on the right, and then hold X to pry open the door. A Scatter Blaster and Sniper Rifle will be waiting for you on the other side, as the Decepticons manage to bring you into captivity at last lead by Starscream.

When you awaken, you will find yourself being dragged up to face Megatron. Hit X several times, followed by ca click of the right stick, to try and escape from your captors. You will sadly find that it is of no use. The Decepticons will restrain you with energy coils and force you to watch as they execute your troops. Megatron will delve into a deep speech about how nobody can leave Cybertron without his permission. As he does so, he will be oblivious to the form of resurrected Metroplex rising in the window behind him. Click the right stick to squash Megatron with Metroplex's fist. Keep hitting the right stick in repeatedly to strike Megatron again and again. After a matter of three strikes, he will be but paste on the ruined pavement of the Decepticon stronghold. With this, the Autobots will stream in and rescue Optimus. Facing off against Starscream, as usual, reveals the baddie's true colors. He will proclaim himself the new leader of the Decepticons in the wake of Megatron's untimely demise, and his first order will be one of retreat. He and his troops will fly off into the distance to fight another day.

With the Decepticons gone for now, work can commence on the Ark and your other troops can begin a search for Grimlock, who is still missing along with the rest of his squad. It is this search for your lost comrade that will take up the bulk of the next two missions.