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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 11: Eye Of The Storm

You will pick up this mission with Jazz and Cliffjumper in a dropship of their own, hovering high above some old Cybertronian ruins. Hit the X button as Cliffjumper to jump out of the dropship and go hurtling down to earth. Being a giant robot and all, the fall won't hurt you when you land. Head forward through the sandstorm and into the depths of the ruins.

When you reach Jazz, he will use his grappling hook to rip the dilapidated door from the entryway to the ruins. Follow him inside of the cavernous, smoldering ruins. It certailny looks like Grimlock has been past here. Jazz will grapple up to the flaming wreckage above you and make it collapse, swinging away at the last second. He will then reaise a piece of the ruins to the left. Head through the opening and grab the audio log from the left side of the hall. When you proceed into the room ahead, Cliffjumper will cloak himself, allowing a series of Decepticon troops to pass. Sneak up behind the final guard and hit X to perform an execution move. Loot the Armory Rectors if you want some alternate weapons. These will contain a Cyber Corruptor, a device that will allow you to corrupt the minds of enemies and make them fight for you.

Before heading over to your waypoint, turn around and head down the long walkway behind you, on the right side of the room. Behind the column here is another audio log. Pick it up from the corner of the platform and head back to the central chamber. Place a charge on the wall to the left and head through the hole it creates. Transform into your vehicle form and enter the air duct. When you emerge, you will find a Decepticon with his back to you. Transform and head up behind him. Hit X to dispatch him quietly. With the enemy dead, head over to the switch to your right and pull it, opening the door ahead. A new enemy type will be patrolling the area across the room; these guys are tough, but you won't have to worry about them just yet. This particular enemy will leave the room as you enter. Head over to the right side of the area to find cash and a machine gun, if you want to roll that way. Now head over to the left side of the area and climb up the ramp. Round the corner and execute the guard working the store console ahead of you. Access the Teletraan 1 yourself if you want to buy any items or upgrades.

When you are ready, head up the ramp directly ahed, turn around, and head back up one of the side paths. They will both take you to a walkway overlooking the room you were in before. On the right side of this walkway, you will find a blueprint. Grab it and jump up the left side to find the path ahead. As you run above the lower room, you will see a trash compactor moving up and down in the back corner. You will need to get to the compactor and ride it up to the next floor. Drop down to the lower floor, use the Armory Reactors if you wish, and head down the hall to a doorway behind which two Decepticons will be speaking. Wait for them to finish talking and part ways. The first of the two enemies will head up to the console on the left, while the second will go through the doorway. Cloak yourself and dispatch them one by one.

With these two guards dead, sneak down the hall past where the second guard died. You can opt to either fight or sneak through this large room, although the clear best of the two options is to sneak. You actually don't have to fight any more enemies in this area if you simply wait for your cloak to recharge fully, cloak yourself, and sprint directly to the trash compactor. Head inside, or, if you still have cloak, head into the room to the left of the compactor controls to find tons of cash, a X18 Scrapmaker, and two machine guns. When you are fully armed, proceed through the air duct and into the inner chamber of the trash compactor. Pull the level back to lower the compactor, and then quickly run up on top of the slate that falls from the ceiling. Ride the copactor up to the next floor. Jump down on top of the platform in the center, and shoot the enemy to your left. Head through this doorway and you will enter a room with four explosive barrels and an Energon Cube in the center. Grab the cube if you need health, and then turn around and head the opposite way, to the right down the hall. You will find a sort of control room here, equipped with complex controls, a store, and some ammo. Refill if you need to, and then pull the controls.

This will bring a noisy lift over to you. Get in the lift and ride it to the other side. Like every video game lift ride ever, this one won't be a safe one. The area opposite you will be rife with exploding barrels. Use the control console for cover and lay down covering fire on the Decepticons as they rush from the various doors opposite you. When they cluster on the area, blast the barrels to send them up in flames. When the lift reaches the other side, sprint away and into the next room, which will be filled with more currency. Leave after collecting all of the money and head down the hall and around the corner. A green laer will be moving up and down over the cracked section of wall to your right. Lower yourself and head across the intact section of the wall to avoid the laser. When you round the corner, the source of the laser will have moved on.

Head into the next room and control will be taken from you briefly as Cliffjumper encounters a new type of enemy. These bad guys scan for you with green lasers. If they catch you in their sights, even when you are cloaked, you will become uncloaked and you will use use of your abilities for a while, including yoru sprint. Stay behind the statue when you regain control and wait for the enemy to turn its back. Then run up and dispatch it quickly. Quickly run up to the dirt mound at the back of the room, but stay to the left side of it. More enemies will enter the area through this doorway. If you are careful, you can avoid conflict with these enemies altogether by staying to the far right side of the dirt mound, cloaking yourself, and waiting for the enemies to walk by before slipping into the hall behind them. This can be tough to pull off, though, and chances are you just might find yourself in combat with these new enemies. If this is the case, watch out for their charge attacks. You will be able to tell how powerful their charges are becoming based on the sound and shape of the energy blast emerging from the ends of the guns on both of their arms. When they are about to fire, the orbs will shimmer and undulate more violently. These enemies will fire multiple blasts in quick succession, so when you think that they are about to shoot at you, either dodge to one side repeatedly or seek cover behind one of the room's pillars.

When you are forced into direct conflict with these foes, you can take one of two strategies. One, you can fight them head on. In this case, you would be best served by dodging ery frequently and firing striaght into their head. If you opt to go with the second option, you can attempt to break the enemy's line of sight on you and then quickly cloak yourself, hopefully losing the enemy in the process. Once you have lost the enemy, you can either sneak past them and into the next room (sometimes this just won't be an option, though) or sneak up behind them for an instant execution kill.

Either clear the room or sneak past the enemies and into the next room. This hallway will lead you to your next objective.