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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXXXII: Witch Doctor Elective Mode Build Six- Come Here And Run Away

Mouse Skills:
Firebomb (Pyrogeist)
Firebats (Cloud of Bats)
Hotbar Skills:
Horrify (Frightening Aspect)
Spirit Walk (Vengeful Spirit)
Soul Harvest (Languish)
Grasp of the Dead (Desperate Grasp)
Passive Skills:
Spirit Vessel
Grave Injustice
Spiritual Attunement OR Vision Quest OR Blood Ritual OR Rush of Essence

With this build, you’re left in the curious situation of not wanting to use your mouse skills all that often.  Not that there’s anything wrong with Pyrogeist, but your focus is really on your Defensive skills.  Firebats, on the other hand, you want to save for special situations, generally right after using Frightening Aspect- otherwise the Mana cost and requirement to hold still are going to kill you to death.

Frightening Aspect is an interesting effect- the Armor lasts twice as long as the Fear does, so it can be very useful even against the things you just scared away.  This becomes doubly true when you use this skill properly- alongside Grasp of the Dead.  Things that flee while slowed to 1/5 movement speed aren’t going to get far enough to escape the Grasp or your Pyrogeists.  Spirit Walk is a useful way to keep alive in melee distance, and the Umbral Shock rune means that you can use this and then just run in a small circle and explode for even more fire damage.  Soul Harvest will help keep your Mana up while boosting your damage and by using Vengeful Spirit, you make it a source of damage as well.  All in all, between Grasp of the Dead’s pinning effect, Horrify’s fright and armor, and the regular damage of Soul Harvest and Spirit Walk, all it takes is a little careful dodging and you become a steady fountain of damage to anything foolish enough to try and hit you in melee.

Spirit Vessel is an obvious choice- every minute and a half it covers for a bit of bad luck or a brief failure on the part of your dodging skills, and it accelerates two of your damaging effects and two of your defensive effects.  Grave Injustice gives you even more benefits for killing things while near them- and one of those benefits is improving your rate of doing everything on your hotbar.  For your third Passive skill, you really get to pick and choose.  Generally speaking you’re going to want more Mana since you’re skipping on Mana-regaining forms of any of your skils, but which one you prefer is really up to how you wind up playing.  Rush of Essence is very nice for refunding you part of the costs of your mainline effects, but Vision Quest and Spiritual Attunement are more reliable for times when you aren’t using those skills as often- such as in a party, or while firing Firebats.  Blood Ritual is a very good way to cut your Mana costs, but it’s especially hazardous for you since you’re in melee so often.  So generally speaking, Rush of Essence is probably your easiest to lean on option.