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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXXXI: Witch Doctor Elective Mode Build Five- Hold Still, This Will Hurt A Lot

Mouse Skills:
Poison Dart (Snake to the Face)
Haunt (Resentful Spirit)
Hotbar Skills:
Spirit Barrage (The Spirit Is Willing)
Grasp of the Dead (Unbreakable Grasp)
Hex (Jinx)
Wall of Zombies (Pile On)
Passive Skills:
Bad Medicine
Rush of Essence
Vision Quest

Snake to the Face is an amazing power for fights against a boss or a single target, with its low cost and passable Stun chance.  It’s going to be your mainstay for whenever your target is close to knocking someone out of the fight or your Mana is low.  If the target is controlled enough, however, you’ll be launching Resentful Spirit alternating with The Spirit Is Willing.  The latter skill refunds you nearly half of its own cost each time you use it, so you should be able to keep it up for some time.  Resentful Spirit does more damage at a lower cost, but because of its damage-over-time nature, hitting something with it again while a previous application is active extends the effect rather than stacking onto it.

Unbreakable Grasp helps you keep the situation in control, reducing your target to a fraction of their movement and giving you time to reposition and bombard them.  Jinx is your opener, of course, letting you ignore Grasp and Snake for a little while in favor of dishing out the maximum total damage you can muster.  Finally, Pile On, while a bit tricky to aim, can provide you with occasional and devastating swings of massive damage.  If you’re having trouble getting this to work- either because you can’t aim it or you forget to use it, you can probably afford to replace it with an area-effect skill so that you can use this build more effectively outside of boss fights.

Bad Medicine compounds the effect of the Snake to the Face, making it a useful debilitating effect for your target even when the stun doesn’t happen.  Sadly, it doesn’t go well with any of your other skills, so you might consider replacing it with one of the general Mana utility skills.  Rush of Essence further cheapens the cost of Haunt and Spirit Barrage, exactly the kind of thing you want to do so that you can conserve your actual Mana spending for the Grasp or whatever you’ve replaced Pile On with.  Finally, Vision Quest further enhances Snake to the Face, so you can lean even more heavily on the more damaging Resentful Spirit and The Spirit is Willing.  If Rush of Essence and Vision Quest together are too much Mana generation, to the point you’re wasting a skill slot, you might consider Pierce the Veil, just to bring down your target that much faster.  It -will- reverse your Mana trend from constant increase to constant decrease, though, so balance this carefully.