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Pokemon Conquest Primer- Warrior Compatability

A higher Link is better, right?  So why is it that some warriors have their Link percent out of a measly 30.00%, and others have a maximum of 100.00%?

This is due to two more-finicky elements of the game- Compatibility and Preferred Pokemon.

Each warrior you have, and each warrior you can persuade (or bully) into joining your army, has a Compatibility entry.  This is provided in the form of one or two types, which are the types that the warrior works best with.  If the warrior is Linked to a pokemon that is that type- or both those types in the case of two-type warriors- their maximum Link will be much higher.  For the most part this can drive maximum Link up as high as 90.00%- good enough for most anything you really want to do.  Don’t get too sad if your warrior has a pokemon with an unmatched or only partially-matched type, though: since some pokemon change types when they evolve, they can actually become better suited as partners to their warrior.

Each warrior, though, has a particular pokemon they have an especially strong affinity for.  Some warriors with Electric compatibility must have a Shinx, and others need Flaafy to do their best.  That strong affinity means their maximum Link with that pokemon will be 100.00%- and in addition to setting the power cap for the pokemon as high as it can possibly go, this also affects the rate of Link gain, hiking it up just a touch- and just a touch every single time the pokemon does anything with their warrior adds up to a big hefty push.

So how do you properly take advantage of this?  What about your poor warriors with their 30.00% max Link pokemon?  Is there no hope?

Well, yes and no.  Sadly, those warriors will never reach any real competency with those pokemon- they need to replace the pokemon.  Fortunately, the game has a handy little system for letting you know about a potential link.  When you have a pokemon selected for its turn in the battle map, you can move the cursor around to look at the whole map.  Overhead of each pokemon will appear one of three symbols.  A pokemon with a gray medal that has a red X over it cannot be Linked to by the warrior whose pokemon you have selected.  A pokemon with a copper medal will rate a decent maximum of 50.00-69.99%, depending on the pokemon’s type (or types) and the warrior’s Compatibility.  A silver medal indicates a sterling 70.00-89.99% maximum- these pokemon will certainly do plenty well enough if you can’t ever find a perfect match for your warrior.  Finally, the gold medal is reserved for perfect matches- if you see one of those, this is the warrior you want to have training one of those.  What about those poor pokemon with no medal nor an X over their heads?  Well, they make mediocre partners at best, capping out at 49.99% affinity or lower.  Don’t bother linking a warrior to a pokemon who has no medal over their head for that warrior- it’s just a waste of effort.

As an additional bonus, warriors will have an easier time Linking to a pokemon that they have a stronger affinity for.

By paying attention to this system, you can ensure that your army grows at a good and effective pace, and your warriors are paired up with pokemon who properly match them.