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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest One: Burning and Learning (3/9)

Since you’re out of the woods, the mystery girl introduces herself as Oichi.  Virtually in the same breath, she praises your battle skill rather profusely.  She takes a moment to explain that she’s traveling with her partner Jigglypuff, and has been for some time.  Now that you’re introduced, she ‘asks’ to join you.  Refusing can be amusing, as she progresses from insisting to pleading to rather dramatic whining (this last accompanied by one of the most extreme cases of ‘doe eyes’ possible, courtesy a very sappy-looking Jigglypuff), but eventually you circle back around to her original offer.  Like it or not you’re stuck with the girl- at least she’s cute and inoffensive, though it’s sometimes a pain to consider that here, again, is a Jigglypuff that gets angry a lot.  At least it doesn’t Sing people to sleep and write on them (it’s unlikely with the local technology level that permanent marker exists anyways), and Eevee is definitely not Pikachu.

Oichi thanks you for ‘letting’ her accompany you, as if you had another choice, then expresses her worry that ‘the flames of conflict’ have reached Aurora.  This would leave you to worry, except that there’s another mural-video accompanied by some text.

This brief video explains the existence of Warriors, people who can bond with Pokemon and communicate them despite the lack of a shared language (or an actual verbal language at all in the case of the pokemon).  It also explains that there is a major legend that if one Warlord conquers all 17 Ransei strongholds and their surrounding lands, the Pokemon that created the region will show itself.  All of the Warriors in Ransei believe in this legend, and because of this there is constant fighting from all the Warlords attempting to conquer the whole region so that they can... well, it’s not actually said outright.  Probably there is intent to capture the legendary Pokemon, though there are probably Warriors with other reasons for seeking it out.

At any rate, with all of that done, Oichi says she and Jigglypuff need more strength to help you- and towards that end, she says you ought to look around the Aurora fortress and see if there’s anything you can do.

Now you are freed on the worldmap.  Currently it’s still pretty small, containing only Aurora and Ignis- the land, predictably, of fire.  Performing a quick check reveals Hideyoshi’s Strength to be only 97 total, thoroughly beat by your 131- however you can’t attempt to march on him yet.  This is pretty much entirely because the game wants to teach you more- you’ve got two more fights to go in the tutorial.  Instead, it’s time to head into Aurora, selecting and Entering it from the world map.