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Torchlight 2 Walkthrough Part 13: The Djinni's Next Task

The Djinni's second task will be a very odd one, and one that is quite unlike anything you have faced so far. You will be sent into a dungeon, an "extra dimensional arena" as the Djinni will call it, and surrounded with a ring of light. If you step outside of the ring of light, you will suffer damage for the length of time that you stay outside of the ring. As you move through the dungeon, obstacles and enemies will move to block you off and try to force you to leave the safety of the circle. Stay near the center of the circle, or towards whatever end is moving forward.

Head forward and across the mechanical floors, which will swing into place to accommodate your forward movement. Be careful that you are staying within the ring of light even as it moves ever farther across the slowly building bridge. When you reach the other side, you will find several enemies hovering just around the edges of the circle. Use the SHIFT key to make more precise movements when you attack. Hit the enemies from the edges of the circle without actually stepping outside of its boundaries. If you have any elemental defense magic, use it frequently to fend off the aggressive enemies.

You will soon come to a maze of bladed traps. These deadly blades will pop out in an attempt to trap you and hurt you. Keep popping health potions as you move through the area, since the blades will cut you pretty much inevitably.

After passing through this section, the ring will disappear. You will now enter the second stage of the arena, which is basically a wave based survival mode. As you near the end of the ordeal, a boss character will appear. It may be a little familiar to you; if so, it should be. The boss here is just the Manticore again. If you need strategy for this fight, refer to the previous guides for more. Otherwise, just focus on attacking and popping health potions. Once the Manticore is done for, your mission will be too. Leave the area and report back to the Djinni to get your third assignment.