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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 30 – R-05: Escape From Denver (World Marshal HQ)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 30 – R-05: Escape From Denver (World Marshal HQ)

Things start quickly here. After a quick conversation with Boris you are into the first Ranked Battle of this file. Note that the Armored Cyborg to the left has an ID Chip (#24)

Ranked Battle 1: 2 Armored Cyborgs, 2 Cyborgs
This should be a pretty easy fight by now. With the Pincer Blades it is possible to simply shatter the Armored Cyborgs' armor with a few strikes or one charged swing. This makes it very easy to quickly sever the ID Chip. Quickly throwing out a  RP Grenade is a great way to get enough cover for some quick work of the foes as well with the Pincer Blades and to do so with impunity.

After the fight is done, there is another quick codec call, this one from Dok. Now there is an Endurance upgrade to grab. Turn to the left and head over to the World Marshal Sign. Look in the far corner and you will find a Locked Chest. Slice it open with Blade Mode and you will get the upgrade. Following that Raiden can either evade, engage or Ninja Kill the 3 Gekkos that just leapt into the area. A fight will get things done quickly but the Ninja Kill option takes more explanation.

Head over to the tail end of the truck and watch for the Gekko that is patrolling nearby. As it passes Raiden, move in for a quick Ninja Kill. Take it out then dash forward and climb up onto the metro train. Head over to the right and wait for the next Gekko to turn its back to Raiden. Take it down quickly. There is just one left now. Take a moment to go between the Metro Train and the Building. Look for the one Trash Can you can see. Slice it open to find Data Storage 18. Now close in on the final Gekko. It is very easy to sneak up on this one as it goes around the Metro Train. Just head to the West now, though give Metro area a good search. There are Grenades and Rockets found in most of the planters and on the Metro Shelter by World Marshal you will find a RP Grenade. Time for the next Ranked Battle with the Beserker who has ID Chip #25.

Ranked Battle 2: 1 Cyborg Beserker, 4 Cyborgs
Equip the Pole-Arm and immediately attack the Cyborg Beserker who comes down by the fountain. Lay into him hard until the first armor break. Stop your assault then and use Blade Mode to sever his Left Hand without any difficulty. After that, destroy him however you want then start in a quick circuit around the perimeter of this arena. This will get the Cyborgs down from the sniping positions and into melee range for Raiden. At this point it becomes a matter of quick kills with Blade Mode to get a few Zandatsu kills and refill any damage taken/fuel expended. Remember that the Sai is also good for quickly closing ranged distance of any of the Cyborgs, for some reason, remained by top.

When you are done here head over to the West and continue onto the Mall.