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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 32 – R-06: Badlands Showdown

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 32 – R-06: Badlands Showdown

There is nothing else to this aside from the battle with Jetstream Sam. At long last they get the fight they are after. This fight, as with all the others, is broken into 3 phrases. It is not an easy fight and there is a reason it is a file all on its own.

Jetstream Sam's Attacks (Phase 1)
This is the Warm-Up round with him sop block and parry with careful attacks. This phase will last until Raiden can successfully hit a weak point on Sam's hand that will appear when he has dropped below 70% health. This can only be hit when Sam uses an Obvious Charge attack

Blade Combos: Sam has at least 4 4-hit combos that he will use. All the strikes can be parried and only the final strike can be Parry Countered. Done properly, this can let you wreck havoc on Sam's health but you have to count it out or just spam blocks and hope for a counter.

Upward Slash: If this connects, it will launch Raiden up into the air. Be sure to watch for Sam charging Raiden with a Blade Arc behind him to see this attack coming and parry it.

Dash: Sam has 2 dash-in attacks. The first is the above "Upward Slash" and the second is a very quick slash. Both can be parried but it must be done immediately as the attack begins. This is commonly employed when Raiden is at mid or long range.

Jump Attack: A homing attack where Sam jumps up and launchs himself at Raiden with very accuracte homing. It is better to dodge or Parry this attack if possible. Just like the Dash, Sam will use this attack when Raiden is at mid or long range.

Explosive Aura: A close range Area of Effect attack. This attack has Sam lash out at high speed to slice everything around him. It is based around a Sword Drawing Technique so Sam must sheathe his blade to use it. Watch out for that to know it is coming. It can be parried or dodge.

Phase 2:
In this round Jetstream Sam takes on Raidenp bare-handed. For most Cyborgs that is death, not so for someone like Sam. For this phase it is a lot better to focus on parrying and engaging at a distance. Keep your attacks simple to avoid the grabs that Sam will employ that can destroy you quickly.

(Lightning) Kick: A kick delivered at extreme speed. This attack is employed when Raiden is in close range. He will commonly use this when Raiden is climbing to his feet so you need to parry it immediately.

Grab: Sam will dash in to grab and hurl Raiden around. This is a very damaging attack so be wary of it. This a mid to long range attack.

Counter-Grab: If Raiden uses any signature attacks he will likely be met with this attack. For this attack alone it is better to stick to simple uncomplicated attacks at this phase of the battle. It, like the other grab, inflicts heavy damage.

Phase 3:
The final phase of the battle. Sam will attempt to keep Raiden at a distance and charge him. A mix of Parrying and the Sai will help carry the day forward to victory. Parry Countering is a great way to quickly end this part of the fight. It is also recommended to try to launch Sam whenever you can. Sam will also use a number of attacks from Phase 1. Just keep at him as best you can. When he hits 10% he will use that distinctive charge attack again. Parry it to move onto the Execution sequence and complete the fight and File.

Triple Rush Attack: Sam performs 3 successive dash attacks at Raiden. He will hit Raiden up to 3 times, even if Raiden is grounded. This is a mid-range attack that Sam will use.

Rock Throw: Sam will grab one of the numerous boulders in the area and hurl it at Raiden. You need to use Blade Mode to cut through the boulder as it comes at you.

Charged Attack: This is a secondary Explosive Aura attack. Sam sheathes his blade, charges for a moment or so then launches a barrage of attacks at Raiden at close range.