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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 44 – A Pirate's Life (Shipwreck Beach)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 44 – A Pirate's Life (Shipwreck Beach)

Head to the South from the PT Boat to the nearby broken down pier. Jump the gaps (and take out the mine if you did not already which is to the left). Head past the ladder to the opening in the fencing. Look out over the water and to the right of the gallon. You will find the Fourth Mine floating in the water there. On the far end climb up the ladder, crack open the nearby salvage crate and then ride the Zipline out over the water toward the first shipwreck. Head to the Southern part and jump to the pole and swing from there onto the craggy rocks. Catch yourself and start climbing. Get to the top right and then jump for the hole in the hull of the shipwreck. Lara will climb in and you can begin your search.

At least that is what you would think. Getting inside reveals there are 2 Solarii inside talking together. Wait for them to finish talking and then pick them off one by one. After that head to the North and up the stairs. You will find a Wall to scramble up, do so then climb over to the right and up. Jump the one gap between the beams then make your way onto the bow of the ship. Here you will find the block and tackle you are looking for. Shoot off the anchor that the Block and Tackle are supporting and the mast will come crashing down, creating an easy way back to shore.

Head along the former mast but do so carefully. There are some Solarii ahead and they are very jumpy. Get into cover and wait for the one to jump the gap and move close to the barrels you likely got behind. Take this one out with a Melee attack and then, from cover, quickly take out the other 2 Solarii in this area. Head around the bend, before jumping the gap, to find a Relic sitting in the cabin of the ship (Brown Jade Ink Box). Turn it over to find more information on it. After that jump the gap and head to the stern of the ship, where the Zipline is. Hold off the zipline and look into the water on the right. In the waves you will find the Fifth Mine. Explode it to get credit and then make your way over to the beach and from there return to the camp.

With everything else done head around the camp and talk with everyone to work on getting all the conversations possible. Whitman and Sam are to the West of the camp fire, Jonah to the East and Reyes is back on the PT Boat. After that it is time to head on over to the East and the ruined pier there to begin your climb out toward the Endurance.