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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 45 – Gone Missing (Shipwreck Beach to the Cliffside)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 45 – Gone Missing (Shipwreck Beach to the Cliffside)

On the Eastern edge of the ruined pier you can use your new compound bow. Use it to plant an arrow into the craggy wall opposite the post you are at. Climb across it and hit the prompted button to switch over to the wall and climb up. Turn to the left and listen in to the next radio conversation. Head over to the left, jumping across the gaps to the Northeast. You will find your way over to the wall you can scramble up. Do so and then jump to the nearby ledge to the Northeast. Here you will find the sixth GPS Cache.

Jump over to the nearby ship and head for the Southern edge. Here you can find a large Salvage Cache and if you look in the water below to the left the sixth mine. Take out the mine then it is time to look for the next relic of the area. Turn to the left and look for the break in the deck. Drop down onto the level below the deck itself and into the room ahead on the left. You will find a Singed Stuffed Bunny. Look underneath its dress to find a name tag for additional information. Now you want to drop down one more level. Look for the Table to the East to find the third Relic (Stained Jade Head Rest). Now find your way back up to the Main Deck. Once there head over to the West and look at the one remaining mast to find a ladder. Climb up it, jumping the gap, to reach the top where you can find the Seventh GPS Cache. From there just drop down on to the Zipline below and ride it over to the next bit of land.

Once on the land head along the path until you hear 2 Solarii talking about what Lara has done so far. When they finish, get into a position so you can easily see them both. After that pick them off quickly, starting with the far one. Now head along the path to the right. In the far back you will find the Fourth Cairn. Loot it to add it to the collection. Turn around to the North and look into the break water. You will see a mine bobbing the waves. Shoot it to get the Seventh Mine. Now head to the South then over to the East. Get over to the next beach there and look among the rocks and the sand. You will find the Eighth mine in this area. Shoot it to explode it and add it into the set. Look to the left from there to find a pier above you. Jump on the rocks to the right of it then jump onto one of the posts to the left of the rocks. This will let you get up to the top of the pier where you can claim the Eighth GPS. Now head to the North. To the right of the Waterfall you will find a short cave. Head inside it to grab the Ninth GPS and some ammo if needed.

With all that in hand head over to the East along the path. Hug to the left-hand side and head through the first opening you can. This will lead you to the Tenth GPS Cache. After that go to the right and onto the beach. Turn to the right and you will find the Ninth Mine in front of you. Blow it up to add it to the collection.

Time to make some forward progress again. Head back to where you took out the 2 Solarii. Head back up the path toward where you rode in but turn around and go for the ramp you spot along the way. Use this to jump onto the pillar and from there the wooden siding to scramble up to the higher platform. Head over to the right to loot the body there and then climb on up the ladder in the room beyond. Just be certain to jump to make it to the ladder. At the top head out to the right-hand edge of the pier. Look up the planking to see the barricaded doorway. Shoot it out with the Shotgun. After that jump and scamper your way up to the top of the structure. Inside it you will find the Third Relic (Toy Train). Look on the underside to find out more about it. Head back down and jump over to the right, return to the body of the Solarii and head over to the right to move into the next part of your search of this area.