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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 10 – The Root Of All Evil (Infiltrate the Dam Controls)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 10 – The Root Of All Evil (Infiltrate the Dam Controls)

After you get to the target that Psycho is moving toward you will find it is a large train filled with explosive material. Psycho just needs you to get behind it and give it a push. After that you just need to ride it on through the tunnels. Take out who you can from the train but there is very little to actually worry about.

When the dust settles from the results of that Michael will take you over to the rebel safe house. Here you will be introduced to Claire, the present leader of the Rebel forces and you will run into the suit's creator as well, Rosch. Once all that is done head on down the corridor and go over to the right. You will find ammo and arrows. Likely you will need some of them, so grab them. After that just follow Psycho on out to the ruined part of the building. He will explain that this is the backup power source that CELL has set up. Time to work at shutting it down. Go over to the right of the elevator shaft when you get there for more ammo and some R.E.X. Explosive Charges. After that just follow Psycho into the shaft and hop over to the second elevator. Be sure to switch on armor mode as you do. This will make sure that Prophet will survive the impending fall.

Claire will contact Prophet and ask for visual access from the suit. He grants it but only for as long as necessary. Head on out of the water and turn on your visor. There are a total of 8 CELL Soldiers here at present but only 6 of them are close enough to be of any real concern. Just as the conversation is wrapping up, use some Frag Arrows to quickly dispatch both groups. If you miss this window then it takes a little more variety to kill them all without alerting them fully. First use a Frag arrow on the group to the left. They are all close enough together one will always do the trick. After that look to the right. Only 2 of the 3 are close enough to get in a single blast. Take them out and then pick off the surviving member.

If things go well you, or you just want to sneak through, head over to the left and hug that edge all the way around the area. If things do not go well or you want to fight through here then it is very important to move through this area slowly and methodically. Keep on the ledge above the area until you can get a clean shot at the initial and back-up squads that appear. Take them down then drop down yourself.

First thing of note is to head between the 2 buildings. Head up the ramp on the left-hand side and jump into the ruined apartment where you spot the ammo cache. Hidden with it is a Sniper Rifle (DSG-1). While it may have 12 shots, it will kill most things with a single well aimed shot. With that in hand head through the middle of the two buildings. It is a lot easier than anything else as it will remove the risk of tripping the Sentinels over to the left. If you can get close enough to them though it is nothing too hard to hack them, especially if you are practiced at it.

Head over to the left and go for the stairs. Be sure to either destroy or hack the turret at the base of the stairs. As you get close to the top, use cloak again and move in. First, hack the turret that is nearby so you have less to worry about and it will fire on nearby enemies. After that there is a CELL Emergency supply cache. Hack it open to get another Nanosuit Upgrade Kit. Head on to the back of this corridor and go into the elevator. Take it on down to press on with the mission.