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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 11 – The Root Of All Evil (Shut Down The Generators)

Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 11 – The Root Of All Evil (Shut Down The Generators)

At the bottom of the elevator you will encounter more soldiers. Cloak as you hear the elevator door open. This will keep them unaware of your presence. After that you will want to move in close to them and take them both down with either the bow or stealth kills. Once you are out of the elevator and they are dealt with, turn around. On the floor you will find a control unit for the mines. Hack it to make sure they will not blow on you. Loot what you can and then head to the left of the elevator and go through the doorway toward the next balcony. Claire will contact Psycho and Prophet. She explains that the dam is fully automated and you just need to trigger the over-rides to shut down the power to them.

Go for the doorway out of the next room. Do not immediately pass through it as there is a laser grid inside it. Look to the right of the door and you will see the control panel. Hack it to disable the lasers and allow Prophet to pass through safely. This leads out to a walkway and this thing has a good number of CELL Soldiers (Troops and Enforcers) on it. It is also in this area you will find the generators and the Anti-Aircraft batteries, for the secondary objective.

Start into the soldiers on the bridge from the cover nearby the door. Use the Bow or another silenced weapon to quickly take anyone close by out. When you have the first part of the bridge clear take some time to head down to the first walkway going off to the left of it. Head out to the far side of it to find CELL Intel as well as ammo, and a JAWS Rocket launcher, all behind 2 doors with laser grids. Simply approach either of the doors and hack the grid to close it. Once inside just go on down the stairs. At the very bottom you will find an ammo cache behind the stairs (with a Hammer II, another JAWS and R.E.X. Explosives). Head over to the 2 markers after that. Go up the stairs, past the generator and hack the Anti-Aircraft Battery Controls. They are not the easiest thing to hack so expect it to take a try or two. After that you will want to get out of this tower and deal with the squad (optionally look for a vent and you will find an easy way out of here). Fight or go through until you can get at the second Tower.

This second tower also has an Anti-Aircraft Battery but it is found in the upper levels of the submerged tower. Take out the laser grids blocking your way in and then hack the battery to bring it under your control. This will complete the secondary objective. This also means taking on a few more soldiers but nothing too bad overall. Now you need to get to the base of this tower. You can either fight through the soldiers or head back outside and find a vent. Either way, at the bottom you will find the turbine. Prophet will not have the time to hack and override the controls this time. He will simply destroy it. After that it is time to get out of here and move onto the Prophet's plans to deal with the dam itself.

Fight your way up (or slip out using a vent) and get back to the bridge. Cloak and get into the water. From there just swim over to the marker that sits between the two towers. Go to the marker and plant the C4. Prophet will rig it and blow it as he comes under fire from helicopters. After a great escape he gets washed out by the water unleashed by the dam. He gets on the comm with Claire and Psycho after that to learn more about what is going on. It is now time to start working on getting into Cell's System-X facility and learn what is going on there.