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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 24: Bring Us The Girl (Gift Shop to The Courtyard)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 24: Bring Us The Girl (Gift Shop to The Courtyard)

With the Motorized Patriot down take a little time to check its body for the Crank Gun. Switch out your least favorite gun and grab this power house. Now head over to the back right corner, where you see some purple footprints. Have Elizabeth pick the lock and head into the maintenance room. Look around it to find a safe. It requires 5 Lockpicks, which you likely have collected at this point. Take a moment to loot the safe for a good haul. After that return to the Gift Shop.

Inside the Gift Shop there are now sparking Crystalline structures. Gun them down with whatever you have on had. These are Shock Jockey traps and you do not want them to go off as they are fairly damaging. They also have the advantage of leaving Booker vulnerable for a few seconds after being hit. In a battle that can be devastating. Shoot out the traps then follow the splattered purple footprints out from the Gift Shop toward the Courtyard.

When you make it to the Courtyard things start going wrong fast and hard. Booker will need to fight through 3 waves of enemies before he can really get a crack at Slate. He will also take some time to lay down more Shock Jockey traps. Take some time to blast them, especially if there are enemies nearby to get some free area burst damage on them. The soldier remain on the far side of the Courtyard making it, at present, impractical to lay traps. Just gun them down. There will be a brief lull but after that there will be a second wave.

During the lull look to the left-hand side of this Courtyard. There you will see a Shock Jockey power switch. Lay a trap in front of the doors you see just beyond the switch. It only takes a moment but it will make the second wave that much easier to deal with. If you have the Murder of Crows upgrade for traps, then use that one with Devil's Kiss or Bucking Bronco. Just a little after the second wave will start. Much of it is just Soldiers. There is also a Fireman to deal with. If you have the RPG or the Crankgun, this is the best time to make use of it. Just gun until the Fireman bites it. Just be sure to have Bucking Bronco on standby in case he tries to charge Booker.

The final wave comes from the front portion of the Courtyard. Move on up the stairs and lay a trap or two down as you do. Let the Soldiers come to you. The biggest concern here is the Motorized Patriot that will appear. Take out the other soldiers if they are proving to be difficult. If the Motorized Patriot proves to be have hard to deal with then take a little time to hit with Possession. This will shut it down, and if there are remaining Soldiers, it will fire on them. If the Patriot manages to get close then call up the gear menu and quickly change over to items that do Shock Damage. It will stun the Patriot and give you the opening you need.

When the fighting is done you need to take a little time to search the area. Go over to the left and into the storage room. Look around for the various crates you can loot. After that go over to the left. There you will see a table with a Voxophone: Cornelius Slate “A Soldier's Death”. Hop up onto the table and look in the tool box to find an Infusion that is cleverly hidden. Turn around and start heading out. Look to the left, behind the boxes as Elizabeth will likely have pointed out the Lockpick that sits there. After that it is time to start chasing after Slate to deal with him.