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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 25: Bring Us The Girl (The Courtyard to Hall Of Heroes Maintenance)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 25: Bring Us The Girl (The Courtyard to Hall Of Heroes Maintenance)

Head on over to the right now from the storage room. This will lead to a room with a staircase. Look to the left and hop onto the couch you will find there. Look around it and you will find a Lockpick hidden inside it. Just walk back and forth on it smashing the search button until you find it. Now head on up the stairs and go over to the left. This will lead you into the next bit of fighting. Slate has set up a few ambushes and you need to get through them. The first is not too bad. Have Bucking Bronco on standby and use it on anyone who gets close or is hiding behind cover. Be sure to also use the Shock Jockey traps on some of the enemies if they get close enough to them. After that ambush just head on up the stairs and over to the left through the double doors.

Booker will be in Comstock's Wrath Room in the Murder Of Our Lady Exhibit. There you will find Slate. Interact with him to start the next cutscene. At the end of it you will be given the choice of killing Slate or letting him live. This will change some Dialogue but if you let him live he will simply suffer more and you get a second chance later. The choice remains yours though. Make it, drink the Shock Jockey and head on back though the Exhibit to the First Lady.

When you get to the room with the stone bridge wait a moment. There are 2 Soldiers that will come at you. Fire a blast of Shock Jockey into the water to watch them simply electrify. Head on through the first room of the exhibit after that to the rotunda. There are more soldiers there with one Crow Soldier. Use Shock Jockey on the Crow to not only leave them vulnerable but make it a lot easier to take down as they cannot teleport around and generally be more annoying. Just head on through the Rotunda and toward the way you came into the Hall of Heroes. Just keep moving forward until you encounter a gate.

When you get to the gate look to the right. You will see a Shock Jockey Conduit. Just give it a quick blast and you will power up the gate, lifting it out of your way. If you need more Salts after that go over to the left to the dispenser. After that just leave the Hall Of Heroes.

Once back outside the Hall of Heroes you are in for a fight. Still, look straight ahead. There is a tear there that Elizabeth can use. This will summon a Mosquito, a flying Gun Automaton, to fight for you. Keep it in the fight as much as you can. While it does that take some time to look aorund and assess the situation. You have Soldiers and Founders fighting. It is much better to just deal with them added by the mosquito. Use whatever guns you have to quickly take them down.

Now head over to the right and look for the Shock Jockey Conduit. Blast it with the Vigor then head around the corner and go up the newly accessible stairs. At the top of the stairs turn around and head over to the railing. You will find a Gear Box there to claim a new piece of gear. Look to the right of the Gear Box to find a pair of Lockpicks. You can loot the rest of the area to find more loot. After that just go back down the stairs. Head over to the right and leap onto the Sky-Line ot get over to the Hall Of Heroes maintenance platform in that direction. Just go forward on the sky-line until you stop. Take a moment to look down before leaping off. First, summon a Motorized Patriot using the Tear. After that take out who you can with a Sky-Line Strike. Be sure that when you land you look to the left. There is a gunboat with Founders on it that you need to worry about. Just use whatever area weaponry you have or wait for the Patriot to deal with them. With them down it is time to look around here for loot. Go over to the right and search the wood beams near the stairs. There you will find a Lockpick. After that start up the stairs to finish off the Founders in the area. The one in armor can be dealt with more easily if you shoot his helmet off or hit him with Bucking Bronco. From there just hop onto the Sky-Line accessible from the top and right that back to the Sky Walk.