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Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough Part 11 – The Hermit

Borderlands 2 Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty Walkthrough Part 11 – The Hermit

Captain Scarlett now has 3 of the 4 pieces of Captain Blade's compass. She does not know where the final piece of the compass is but she has an idea of who might now. She wants you to take a gift box over to the Hermit, Rupert, in the Rustyards. She makes it abundantly clear that she does not want you to give it to him until she says so. Considering her penchant for violence, listen to her for now.

Take the Elevator on down and then leave the Bachannas.  Once you get off the ship Scarlett contacts you and assures you that she will not be betraying you just yet. Even after assembling the compass it needs to get to a specific location to activate. Head on out to the North then turn to the East and head toward the marker. It is not a long drive from Scarlett's Ship over to the Rustyards.

Head to the Southeast as you get to the next opening to find the Rustyards Corridor. You will find a number of pirates at the entrance who remain very determined to kill you. You also have a few turrets at the entrance of the area. If you have a Corrosive Sniper, then get out of the 'skiff and pick it off. Otherwise just use whatever corrosive type weaponry you can against it.

Go to the South some and you will find a way through the wall that the turret and the pirates had a watch on. Just head on through the wall and fight through the small group of pirates there. Deal with the second turret to the West.

Head on over the walkway and toward the marker. You will find another group of pirates to deal with. Be careful as there are a few Grogmasters in there. This is the last bit before you can make it to the next area, the Rustyards. Fight on through the rest of the group and you will make it to the marker.

Once in the Rustyards start off to the North. Just down the slope, up the stairs to the left. You will find a full set of Vending Machines to resupply your stocks. Head on in the Northern direction then start over to the West. You will see something interesting that will keep making appearances: a Pirate Ninja. They are just a tougher Pirate from the look for it.

As you get into the small town setting you will find another new enemy type waiting: The Anchorman. Think of them as a smaller and weaker version of the Big Sleep. You have them along with a small group of various pirates to deal with. You will find another, similar, group, in the same town as you turn to the North around a bend. Just be careful as there is a Grogmaster in that collection. Keep going and follow the path after that. A third group waits for you. In this one you will find a Pillager, a pirate who acts like your regular Psycho and comes charging in at you. Get through this group and the door under the Rusty's sign will open. It reveals another Anchorman for you to kill. Do so quickly as you have shielded Pillagers come in after you from behind him.

When it is all done head on through the gate and up the stairs into the building. This is the Rusty Cog Settlement, your next step toward the Hermit.