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Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 12 – Sidequest: The Beatdown

Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 12 – Sidequest: The Beatdown

Totally Recall – The Beatdown
This side quest is found on the Bounty Board inside The Beatdown after completing “Burn, Baby, Burn”. Mr. Torque is sending you into Pyro Pete's Bar to “recall” all the recent beer as a midget fell into last week and died. This means the beer can kill. Your mission is to head into the bar, kill whoever is drinking and grab the beer.

This is another massive bar brawl. The good news is it is a lot easier than the Blitz (especially tier 3). Move in and start things with a bang when you see a group of the patrons congregate in any location. From there just start shooting at thing that is not you, on your team or moving. Remember anything that you kill will not be dead of poisoning which is a wussy way to go out. First you have a number of Torque Architects, Rats and Bruisers. As you fight your way in deeper to the bar you will find a few badasses waiting for you.

Just handle it like you were the Blitzes. Get in there and start shooting everything up. It helps to use the doorway chokepoint when you can as there are a lot of foes to deal with. Those few badasses tend to show up toward the end when you are going to be all banged up from all the others Rats, Bruisers and Psychos.

Rewards: 20 Torque Tokens, 9431 XP

Number One Fan
Tiny Tina heard that her third Favorite Mass-Murderer is in the Bad Ass Crater of Badassitude. She wants you to go get her an autograph from him. Nothing too bad there so head into the Beatdown to start trying to find this fellow. Once inside go to the South and West. There are a fair number of Bikers and Burners between you and the turn to the North you need to make.

Once there you will see someone wearing a Medusa-like Mask. Approach and interact with them to trigger another bit of chatter with Tina. When Sully turns her down she tells you to kill his face (politely). He calls in some aid but it is easier just to focus on him.
Rewards: $2,344, Green Pistol/SMG, 6867 XP

A Biker Hamhock tried to cop a feel on Moxxi. She has passed it onto Scooter for you to go and take out this biker. Head tot he South form the entrance of the Beatdown. Head over to the West and you will be contacted by Moxxi. She explains that what happened with Hamhock was very consensual. So now you have 2 choices: Kill the Hitmen Scooter hired or just kill Hamhock.

Kill Hamhock - Scooter
Fight your way to the Southwestern corner of the Beatdown. He is roaming the nearby alleyways so head into the area. He has a good bit of support so be ready to simply fight through to him.

Kill the Gunmen – Moxxi
Fight your way over to the Northeastern corner, just behind where you start in the Beatdown. You will find a small collection of Badasses. This is where you will find the hired killers. Which take the form of a Bruiser, a pair of Badasses and a Biker. Just kill them all and you can collect the reward from Moxxi.

Rewards: $2,344, green (Scooter)Class Mod/(Moxxi)Grenade, 6867 XP