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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 1 – Sea Of Fog (Deck 3 to Mesa Hall)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 1 – Sea Of Fog (Deck 3 to Mesa Hall)

Things do not seem to be going well on the ship. The captain has opened up your cell and let you loose. Head straight across to the other side of the corridor and search around. There are 2 rooms opposite the cell you were in. The first has a flexible hose in it in the back of the room. It is the first door open on the left. Head on down to the next door and you will find a clamp. It is sitting on the right-hand side wall on the fuse box (has a high voltage warning on it). With those 2 items in hand head for the end of the hallway where the door is. Hit the prompted button to complete the first objective.

Head through the door, over to the left, around the bend to the right and through the next door with the prompt on it. There is a sliding door to the left of the next proper door that you cannot get through.

When you are into the next room you will see a vent ahead on the left. Duck into it and go through the passage. That is followed quickly by jumping some piping. Just after you will fidn your character talking about arming themselves. Look ahead to the door on the right. You will find a crowbow sitting in the gears, jamming the door. Head over to it and grab it. Your character automatically equips it. Open the door it was holding closed. Time to move into the first dark area.

Head over to the right and follow the turn to the left. Keep at it to pass through the engine room and over to the next door .Once again, hold the prompted button to get the door open. Head into the next corridor. On the floor you will find a police baton. Grab it and head down the corridor to the cabinate on the right. Open it up for some loot.then head into the room on the left. You will find a work bench on the right-hand side but you cannot use it right now as you have no money.

Head on up the stairs to the left of the work bench to start moving toward Deck 2. Only a ltitle after that the engines will catch on fire from some small explosion. Your character will get knocked to the ground. First look around for the windows and then look beneath them to find a Large Medkit. Grab the medkit then head over to the left and go down (or drop down by) the ladder. Run forward and into the open doorway to the right. Climb up the ladder and head over to the right. Look on the console in front of you to find a marked button. Interact with it to stanch the flow of the fuel. Drop back down and head on up the ladder to cross over using the catwalk that was previously on fire.

On the far side of the catwalk you will see the first zombie type: A Walker. They are slow and it is easy enough to take the Walker down before it can bite you. There are 2 on the catwalk, though they only appear one at a time. Aside from that, head over to the right to find the next Walker. Kill him as well then go through the door in front of you. Be sure to take a moment to loot any of the bodies that you can. You will find supplies and money on them, both very important things.

On the other side of the door you have 2 Walkers to deal with. One is lurking by the left-hand door while the other is laying on the ground, playing dead. Kill the kirst one before it can grab and bite you. After that, take care of the one on the ground. Loot the bodies adn the chests in the area. Now head up the stairs, slow. There is a third Walker at the top who is looking another way. Kill him then head into the open doorway to the right.

Inside this corridor you will find another pair of Walkers to deal with. Kill them and search this corridor and their bodies. There is generally a weapon or two that can be found here or at least some energy drinks which will replenish your health. With those Walkers down and the corridor searched head into the Mesa Hall to the right from your point of encounter.