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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 1 – Prologue (Helicopter Fight to Entrance of Bunker)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Walkthrough Part 1 – Prologue (Helicopter Fight to Entrance of Bunker)

Things start quickly after the introduction sequence. After the mission parameters are loaded onto Rex he will hear the helicopter is coming under fire. Turn to the left and start firing on the tower. It does not take long to clear the balcony and explode whoever is on there with an extended burst of fire. Move onto the next tower coming up on the left after that. In between any towers start firing on whoever is firing on you. There are no concerns of ammo so enjoy it.

Just after the second tower you will see another helicopter show up. Quickly gun it down to avoid taking damage. Move on from there to the next tower and clear it quickly. If you see something with glowing red stripes then shoot it repeatedly. These will do smaller area blast but they are a big help in simply clearing the area. Just keep firing and taking down what you can. Remember, focus on the structures and that will get you onto the next cutscene and onto the second part of this scene with Rex arms up.

Just after you touchdown you have one final indignity to suffer: “Military Navigation for Idiots”. Follow that up by hitting the prompted button to prove you can read. From there you will go through Jumping, crouching, looking around, walking and running. There is more that will be covered in the tutorial but at least it is covered through action opposed to commands.

When that is over go forward and onto the nearby rock. Climb up onto it and look to the right. You will see some vines that you can jump at. Jump and grab onto the ledge to have Rex pull himself up. Turn to the right after that and head for the marker. Crouch and sneak through the narrow opening. The tutorial will prompt you to perform a blade takedown on the person in front of you on the far end of the opening. Creep up behind therm, hit the prompted button and enjoy the kill.

From there you will instructed in the usage of the Cyber-eye. Hit the prompted button to bring it up. Let the reticule sit on any foes to mark them. Once they are marked you will know where they are and if they are aware of Rex. Tag all 4 foes in front of you. Move up behind the first and throw your dice by hitting the prompted button to distract the nearby foe. Move up behind them quickly and take them down. Use a little of this time to loot what bodies you can.

Move toward the next group of enemies. They will all have their backs to Rex. Move in behind them and you will be told how to perform a Chain Takedown. This  is very useful for taking out multiple unaware (and sometimes aware) foes. Head over to the next marker. There is another bit of tutorial waiting for you: Climbing. Just suffer through it and go up the ledge and the one after it. More Training hints are loaded after that, from the “ABC's of War”. This just goes over detection, firing and aim,a PSA, cover, grenades, pilfering, the weapon wheel, healing, Cyber Points (CP), and a joke.