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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 13 – Twisted Mind: Where The Dead Live (Halai Dead Zone)

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 13 – Twisted Mind: Where The Dead Live (Halai Dead Zone)

Marcus is very thankful for the rescue and blesses you for it. He will then ask you to head into the Storage Area which has been overrun by the Infected. He wants to you grab the good stuff: provisions of any nature, to bring back to his people. You will also gain access to the Halai Survivor's Camp at this point in the game.

Gaining access to the Survivor's Camp does a few things for you. The first is that it opens it up as a Fast Travel Option. You can now freely move between Paradise and Halai using the Maps. Second is you can find Houston. Talk with him in the back of the camp to get the second ongoing mission. He wants painkillers and will give you a good bit of money for each bottle as well as XP. You can also talk with Maggie to get the side quest, "Safe Haven." With those quests active it is time to head to the Southern part of the village to start making your way toward the Dead Zone.

As you travel thourgh the Southern part of town be sure to visit Makayla to get some new weapons if desired. Remember she is in the two story building just through the archway. Just continue all the way to the South. This will lead you directly to the entrance of the Dead Zone. Once again, in the entry house, pause to repair your weaponry and stock up on bombs and mines. When you are good, head on through the open double doors into the Dead Zone itself.

Much like what you encountered rescuing Marcus, you have a flooded yard filled with undead. The twist is that there are stairs leading up to where you are this time. If you have some mines, set them at the top of the nearby set of stairs then run back into the entry room. Let the Walkers go into the mine. This will notably thin their numbers and just make it easier for you to manage the rest of the first wave. Kill off whatever Walkers remain then start down the stairs. Alternatively you can take advantage of all the culstering and throw a grenade or a molotov into the masses.

When your character gets to the bottom of the stairs a second wave of zombies will rise up. Head back up the stairs and plant another explosive (or lob another grenade or molotov) to deal with this group.

After those 2 waves you only have the Thug left to deal with. He largely remains in the store room until you get about half way across the yard. At that point he will start moving toward you at a lumbering pace. Use this time to set up either more explovices or to shoot him or throw weaponry at him. Keep your distance to avoid the damage that can be inflicted. You can also use your fury here to great effect to quickly kill him.

When the fight is over head into the store room. Begin your looting to the right. Not only will you find the Liquid Fire Modification but to the right of that you will find one of the Secret Files. After that head over to the left to find the tools you are after. Be sure to also grab the island guide that sits directly behind the tools. There is also a convinient workbench to the left of the toolbox.

Fight your way back to the Halai Village Survivor's Camp. Once inside you need to find Marcus Villa again. Be sure to search the Southern portion of the Camp to find Dr. Jane Hanson. She can help a lot as she sells medical supplies. This will give you the side quest, "Alternative Medicine." You should also find Rose on the second floor of the Warehouse in the camp to get the side quest, "Antidote." With those quests gained go talk with Marcus. Be sure to look underneath his bed to find another of the Secret Files. Talk with Marcus to get your reward and the next story quest, "Meeting Locals." This is a good time to complete the various side quests you got from Halai.