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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 15 – Sidequests – Safe Haven

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 15 – Sidequests – Halai Village

Safe Haven
This quest is spread across a few areas. Owing to this fact, it tends to get broken into 2 parts. The first part can be completed before reaching Henderson while the second can only be completed after making it over to Henderson. Start by heading into the Jungle, grabbing a boat and going over to the Drug Dealer's house (found just to the North of Zimakani Rest and the Crossroads Bungalow. Just head to the North until you spot a tree-house nearby a cliff-side to the East of the Breri Outpost. Climb on up to the top and investigate things there. You will likely find the Ripper Modification plans up there. Search the floor and you will find the Letter To Maggie. It says that they were headed West to find a more permanent shelter. A new search area will appear to the West. Hop into the boat again and head on over to the West.

When you make it to the shore you will not see a whole lot. There is likely a Drowner on your tail for the trek and a Floater is hanging around in the area. Kill the Floater quickly before it kills you. After that look into the tent. After that it is a good idea to head back to Paradise Survival Camp, drop off the boat and change over to a car.

Follow the main road to the small trail just past Kiwi Camping. Take out the zombies at the foot of the trail then make your way up it to the search area. Head up and over the crest of the hill. Fight through the zombie group by the fire then make a right and head into the nearby cave. Go over to the right but move in carefully. There is a solitary Butcher that roams this pools and cavern. Be wary of him. If he finds you, it is a tough fight (or just unleash your Fury and make it simple). Head up the slope to the small camp site and investigate it. You will find another letter to Maggie saying that someone has offered to show them the way to Henderson.

Once you have made it into Henderson you can resume the search for Maggie's friends. From there you will want to head into Hernderson's Shopping District and make your way over to the Motel Safe Haven Dead Zone marked on your map. The final fate of Maggie's friends will be found in here.

Remember that your entering a Dead Zone so it is very easy to get killed in here. There are a number of dozing Walkers to be found in this entry hall. Take advantage of that to take them out before they can completely rise. Once the entry way is clear head to the end of it and force your way through the door. This leads to a large laundry room packed with more zombies. Always start with lobbing some explosives or incendiaries down the hallway into the area with all the undead. Also be on the lookout for the Screamer, the white-haired zombie. Her screech can overcome your fury and knock you down. Take her out first then deal with the rest of the zombies. After that clear the room and search the back portion of the laundry room. This will give you the final note from Maggie's friends.

Head on out of the Dead Zone after you have thoroughly looted it. Be sure to watch out for the 3 Infected that will be waiting for you at the entrance. After that just make it back to the Henderson Survivor Camp and Fast Travel to Halai to give Maggie the news.