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Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 23 – The Mission: House Of God

Dead Island: Riptide Walkthrough Part 23 – The Mission: House Of God

Once you make it to Mataka Village, you just need to start for the Santa Maria Mission. Leave Villa's House and start to the South through the water. While you can use the nearby boat it is honestly a lot easiest to just travel over land as you can get there a little more directly. Head down the slope, deal with the horde that waits there and go up and over to the right through the stone arch. Just a short ways through you will find the mission itself on the left. Approach carefully as there are plenty of undead to deal with inside.

This place is overrun with zombies. That means you need to cut through the horde with the weapons you have. Things start here easily enough with a number of undead: Walkers, Drowners and some Infected. After a while though you will encounter a named one, “Quick Death.” If you have Fury ready, this is the time to pull it out. He is very fast and on top of that he has a devastating combo that he can unleash on you. If nothing else, it will make him a lot easier to kill.

With the large number of undead you will want to use incendiaries as much as possible. On top of that you have a few Red Gas Canisters. If you hit these with any kind for firearm (Gun, Nail Gun, Harpoon) they will explode and kill anything nearby them. This is especially helpful when you find the Floater in the first room to the right.

When you have succeed in clearing out the ruins then it is time to head to the marked room straight back from the entrance. You will find a flooded entrance to a crypt. The only way you will make it in there is with the rest of the Team. You contact Hardy who thinks that Trevor can pull something together to clear the water out from inside the crypt entrance. However it is done it is going to take some time.